Trevor Noah Roasts Betsy DeVos’ Latest Move With A Fake For-Profit University Commercial

Late night host Trevor Noah absolutely teed off on Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos on Wednesday’s edition of The Daily Show. DeVos has been criticized for not doing more to help struggling schools, and now the Education Department is dismantling the team tasked with investigating fraud at for-profit universities.

“So Betsy DeVos is stopping the people who are stopping the fraud,” Noah said. “She’s like a reverse-superhero. [She] flies into a bank robbery to help the robbers.”

Adding to the insanity, DeVos actually appointed a former dean from one of the school’s accused of fraud — Julian Schmoke, formerly of DeVry University — to head the unit that was in charge of investigating schools for fraud.

“I wish DeVos was doing that thing where you hire the criminals to catch the other criminals, like on that fedora crime-man TV show (NBC’s The Blacklist), but this feels more like Swampanomics 101,” Noah said. “Especially considering Betsy DeVos has major financial interests in for-profit colleges. So under Betsy DeVos, fraudulent for-profit schools are poised to make a comeback.”

To highlight the absurdity, Noah enlisted the help of Roy Wood Jr. to make an accurate for-profit college commercial that shines the brightest of lights on all the fraudulent behavior.

“Are you looking to spend $100,000 you don’t have to get a degree that won’t help you find a job? Than you gotta go to DevRoy University.”

Photo: Comedy Central

The video promises training for jobs that “might not exist” like forensic mechanic, marketing hygienist, and packing.

Watch the sketch in its entirety in the video above.

(h/t The Huffington Post)

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