Bill Maher Says He Doesn’t ‘Give a Sh*t’ About Royal Wedding On ‘Real Time’

Bill Maher took a swipe at Saturday’s Royal Wedding in the UK that has overtaken the media spotlight the past few months– though clearly it has not interested the host of HBO’s Real Time. Maher used his opening monologue on last night’s episode to skewer the idea of the event, taking down the Royal Family and all of England along with it.

“And then there’s the Royal Wedding,” he said in opening his show, after remarks about Friday’s school shooting in Texas. “To say I am excited would … not be accurate. I already have my alarm set to know when to start not giving a sh*t.” (Blanket coverage of the wedding in the U.S. begins in the early morning hours on the West Coast.)

Afer dissing Prince Charles, and of course President Donald Trump, who was not invited to the wedding at Windsor Castle — “That’s OK,” Maher suggested Trump would say, “In their honor, I will continue to royally screw America” — Maher went all in.

“Look, I don’t wanna be the wet blanket…it’s gonna be great when a B-list actress marries a man who will never be king, in a country that doesn’t even matter. An event so unimportant, even the Russians aren’t fixing it.”

Overall, Friday’s episode all but took a break from weighing in on Hollywood and the media, with Maher using his final New Rules segment to warn of the dangers of Trump being “above the law” (and eliciting the best one-liner of the night, that congressional Republicans “wouldn’t turn on Trump if they found out he was using the Eternal Flame to light farts”). In recent weeks, Maher had weighed in on topics including Roseanne Barr, as well as the backlash over Michelle Wolf’s White House Correspondents’ Dinner set and Amy Schumer’s I Feel Pretty.

Maher, in his 16th season of Real Time, is off until June 1, when his guests will include former Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders.

Check out his opening monologue below.