Why Conan’s Reduced TV Time Is Good News For Comedy Fans

It was announced earlier this month that not only would TBS and Conan O’Brien extend their partnership to include TV, digital, and live events, but that his weeknight talk show would move into a “new, less structured 30-minute format” in 2019. There’s been a lot of chatter about O’Brien’s show over the past few years, with rumors it would air in shorter time slots or with less frequency or ditch the in-studio portion completely and allow O’Brien to film in remote locations around the world. Ultimately, none of that really matters, as long as he’s on the air at all.

O’Brien has been on TV for 25 years now, much longer than anyone else with the “late night host” title, and doesn’t seem to have the desire to change that anytime soon. And why should he? He’s still the best at what he does. Ratings and viral videos continue to ebb and flow, but that O’Brien has weathered it all, including 2010’s Leno-gate, by showing up, sticking to his brand of comedy, and embracing the internet is precisely what adds to O’Brien’s staying power.

A 30-minute Conan show is actually a great idea. It bends the late night format which at this point, quite frankly, has gotten awfully stale, and there’s no one better to be a leader in this space than him. He doesn’t need to be wasting time on two panel guests, one of which he probably doesn’t care about so much, plus a stand-up comedian or musical act at the end. Use the space for one valuable guest that O’Brien has a rapport with for the best use of that segment. The rest of the show will allow him to do comedy bits, whether that’s some version of a monologue or gaming stuff or simply segments that allow him to lean into the weird and wacky aspect of his show, that no other host has the interest, brains, or balls to do.

From the sounds of this new deal, O’Brien could move his show more towards something like Bravo’s Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen, which does more than enough in its half-hour time slot, plus web-only after show. Plus, O’Brien could have a bit more flexibility that won’t only limit him to a studio. We all know it’s out in the world, interacting with fellow humans, where the host truly does his best work. And hopefully a reduced weekly production schedule, at least strictly for television, will mean more international specials for the beloved Coco.

Of course haters will be quick to critique a lessened on-screen slot for O’Brien, but it’s likely that the more internet exclusives he’s able to deliver, the better chance he has of producing viral hits, or even some totally weird shit that would have no place on TV to begin with. An experimental Conan is oftentimes the best kind of Conan; it’s how he’s become the host that he is today. That TBS recognizes and supports that is cause for us all to launch into the string dance.

Where to watch Conan