‘Westworld’ May Be Teasing Robot Babies

There’s always a lot to unpack in every episode of Westworld. But if your Sunday was devoted to figuring out what’s going on with Bernard and basking in the epicness that is Shogun World, then you may have missed a pretty big teaser. Westworld is getting busy, and they may be blessing (or cursing) us with robobabies. Season 2 spoilers ahead.

The Huffington Post was one of the first sites to catch this possible teaser. Up until Episode 5, almost all of the sex we’ve seen has been between humans and hosts. That detail — letting human visitors sleep with whichever robot they want — is one of the selling points of Westworld as well as its corporate owner Delos’ other theme parks. But last night saw Dolores (Evan Rachel Wood) and Teddy (James Marsden) consummating their relationship on their own terms.

Though Dolores and Teddy are programmed to have a history together, as far as viewers know, they’ve never had sex. When they finally get down and dirty, they’re not having sex for the benefit of a human visitor. They’re doing it all on their own (or they were programmed by Ford to have sex? Who knows in Westworld?). So does that mean there’s a chance Dolores could get pregnant?

As the HuffPost recap notes, the biggest sign that points “yes” happens during the show’s opening credits. The title sequence of Season 2 shows a robot and its infant child. The sequence’s creator has even said that as the series continues, viewers “will start to really be able to realize what [the infant] means and its place within the titles.”

This title sequence baby could be a nod to Dolores’ upcoming pregnancy, or it could just reflect this season’s focus on parent-child relationships. From the missing Peter and his daughter Dolores to Maeve and her perpetually lost daughter, god knows there are a lot of parental connections this season.

The idea that Dolores and Teddy could possibly have a baby also ties into another popular fan theory. According to this theory, Maeve (Thandie Newton), one of the park’s first organic hosts, is the first host who has ever conceived a child. Who is that child? None other than Tessa Thompson’s Charlotte Hale.

Of course, this could all be wild speculation. After all, this is Westworld we’re talking about. But as Dolores once said, “I know how this story ends. With us, Teddy. It ends with you and me.” Maybe she meant you, me, and a robobabe.

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