Bill Maher Claims Liberals Are Too Focused On Culture Rather Than Governance

Last night on HBO’s Real Time With Bill Maher, the host went on a rant during his New Rule segment of the show, claiming that liberals are too focused on our culture rather than what really matters… governance.

He began the segment, which you can view via the clip below, by addressing ABC’s recent firing of Roseanne and Donald Trump’s tweet demanding that TBS fire Samantha Bee. “I’m not saying there aren’t some instances where some people have to go, but really for free speech this has become a terrifying time in American history.” He jokingly added, “like when Canada burned down the White House.”

“Yes, you disappeared Roseanne,” Maher quipped, “and sent a strong message to all the other racist Republican TV stars who suffer from multiple personality disorders.”

During the segment, the host lashed out at liberals and conservatives alike for becoming “too comfortable playing the Clean Out Your Desk card.” He then shifted his focus to liberals, criticizing those who celebrate “hollow” cultural victories rather than turning their attention to actual issues being tackled by Trump and the Republicans in Congress.

Liberals, he said, have lost “the House, the Senate, the White House, the Supreme Court and Kanye.” While conservatives “cut their own taxes, rip up the safety net and make coal a vegetable, we get to banish actors.”

Maher then referenced a number of recent headlines as examples of the misguided and ineffective focus: “Jim Carrey Bestows Scott Pruitt With Savage Nickname In Latest Painting,” which the host followed with a sarcastic “Ooh, that’ll show him.” Then “Mila Kunis Expertly Trolls Mike Pence,” which Maher commented: “Mike Pence thinks Mila Kunis is a Greek dessert – he doesn’t know who that is.”

“Conservatives govern without shame and liberals shame without governing,” declared Maher, which was met with applause from the studio audience.

He further added that “while we were putting vaginas in formerly male movies,” (such as Ghostbusters and Ocean’s 8) conservatives “were putting dicks” in Congress, and while the Republicans succeeded in “suppressing the minority vote in 34 states, Meryl Streep got off an epic burn at the Golden Globes.”

He ultimately concluded that liberals control the culture, but asked: “wouldn’t you rather control the borders?” The studio audience applauded in agreement.

Michael is a music and television junkie keen on most things that are not a complete and total bore. You can follow him on Twitter@Tweetskoor