Alec Baldwin Believes He Would “1000%” Beat Trump In 2020 Election

If you thought the 2016 presidential election was weird, 2020 would like to have a word with you.

During a recent conversation with Howard Stern, Alec Baldwin, who of course portrays Donald Trump on Saturday Night Live, was asked about potentially running against Trump in the 2020 election. The actor, who’s never been accused of lacking a healthy amount of self-confidence, believes a faux Trump vs. actual Trump political battle could only lead to one possible outcome: a Baldwin victory.

“If I ran, I would win,” Baldwin vowed. “I would absolutely win. I 1000% would win.”

Sure, out of all the Baldwin brothers — Alec, William, Stephen, Graham, Daniel — Alec has the best shot, but could politics handle a Trump vs. Trump election? Could the world handle it!?

Also, Graham’s not a Baldwin, but you had to think about it for a second, right?

Photo: NBC

Despite Baldwin’s bravado, it appears as though an Alec Baldwin vs. Donald Trump showdown will never come to fruition. Why? Because it sounds like Baldwin’s wife isn’t on board and, perhaps more importantly, he’s too busy hosting ABC’s Match Game, which Stern and Baldwin joked about.

I never thought I’d say this but, “Thanks, Match Game!”

Near the end of the above clip, Stern suggested that Baldwin run for president as Donald Trump, which only led to Baldwin reiterating his stance.

“If I ran for president I’d win. Hands downs I would win. It’d be the funniest, most exciting, most crazy campaign,” Baldwin said. “The only reason I say it is because I’d love to run for that kind of position, to just have things be very common sense. There’s so many things this country needs to do that are so obvious.”