Michelle Wolf Says Bill Clinton Owes Monica Lewinsky “Oral” (And An Apology)

Michelle Wolf is not going to apologize for “breaking” the media’s dinner, but she still has some thoughts on apologies. During a recent episode of The Break with Michelle Wolf, the Netflix host called out Bill Clinton out for not privately apologizing to Monica Lewinsky AND for not going down on her. But she was mostly upset about the oral thing.

While promoting his latest book with crime novelist James Patterson (don’t ask), the former president admitted that he has never privately apologized to Monica Lewinsky for the scandal that made her a headline-grabbing name. Wolf noted it was “adorable” that Clinton seemed surprised by that question. “He’s like the most famous #MeToo of all time, and he was like ‘Surely they’ll only ask me about my new work of airport fiction,'” she said.

After Wolf reiterated that she doesn’t apologize, she decided to launch into a segment about what Clinton did wrong. Naturally, this was accompanied by a saxophone segment played by Tim Capello from The Lost Boys fame. Only the coolest for President Clinton.

“People can debate over what kind of apology Bill owes Monica, but one thing he owes her for sure — oral,” Wolf said. “If someone goes down on you, you go down on them. Standard double down rule. Bill didn’t reciprocate. This is the most egregious thing he did. This should have infuriated women.”

“The connection is so clear to me,” she added. “The enthusiasm a man shows for cunnilingus is directly proportional to his commitment to public service.”

Wolf also pointed her apology-seeking finger at the media. After reading a few recent kind-to-Lewinsky headlines from publications like The New York Times and The Washington Post, she dove into some of the scathing passages that were written when the scandal originally broke. “Geez, do you guys write for a newspaper or Regina George?” she asked.

But don’t call Wolf out for being a hypocrite. The late night host maintains she only mocked Lewinsky for choosing to wear a very floppy beret — a criticism she still stands by. Honestly? Fair.

Stream The Break with Michelle Wolf on Netflix