Jimmy Kimmel Roasts Trump’s “Special Bond” with Kim Jong-un

Jimmy Kimmel kicked off his ABC late-night show addressing President Donald Trump’s historic summit with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un.

“A lot of pundits thought it was a mistake to meet with an unstable dictator – but Kim Jong-un said, ‘You know what? I’m going to do it anyway!’” Kimmel explained, with help from his band.

Even Kim described the Singapore summit seemed like something from science fiction, while Trump, after meeting Kim and spending just 38 minutes with him, announced they had developed a “special bond.”

“His dentures take longer to bond then that,” Kimmel snarked.

So devoid of detail was the document the two men signed, even Trump had to acknowledge, when boasting he got North Korea to commit to destroying a major missile testing site,  that they “did not put it in the agreement because we did not have time.”

“Usually, when Trump signs agreements with a foreigner it’s a prenup –  and those are all in writing,” Kimmel importantly compared and contrasted – analysis TV news teams had neglected.

Bottom line: “Trump wanted to make it look like he did something big, whether he did something big or not. He was not leaving this summit without claiming he made a deal,” Kimmel explained.

“So he sets the meeting; he has the sit-down. He hears what he wants to hear…As soon as the meeting’s over he runs out, calls a press conference, declares victory, everyone goes home. Kim Jong-un does nothing different at all, and we go back to our lives too. ”

The only thing we know they signed, Kimmel explained, was a Declaration of Friendship. “For real,” Kimmel told his giggling crowd. “It’s like they were signing each other’s yearbooks before they leave for summer break.”

But, Kimmel appreciates a good declaration of friendship signing, so he and Guillermo signed one.

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