Here’s Why You Can’t Download ‘Marvel’s Luke Cage’

Summertime is go time, meaning all your usual streaming habits are probably being interrupted by cookouts and vacations or just wrangling your kids. The only way to stay on top of all of Netflix’s new content is to download it to a portable device and take it with you wherever you go! You know this, you’re on top of things!

But while most of Netflix’s offerings are good to go, there are a few series that refuse to play by anyone else’s rules but their own. If you tried to download the new season of Marvel’s Luke Cage to your device, you probably hit a wall. So, what gives?!

Why can’t I download Marvel’s Luke Cage?

This isn’t just a problem with Luke Cage. In fact, all of Netflix’s Marvel shows are not included in this popular feature, and that’s been the case since the download option was introduced back in 2016. The download option allows users to take part of Netflix’s library on the go, meaning downloaded episodes and movies are available even if you lose connection to wi-fi. But downloading isn’t an option for not only Luke Cage, but all of Netflix’s Marvel content. Why?

Netflix explains why some shows aren’t available to download in its Help Center. The answer to the question “Why are some Netflix original TV shows or movies not available to download?” reads:

With many Netflix originals, we own all the rights to the title and can offer it for download. However, some TV shows and movies are produced in partnership with a studio that owns the franchise or intellectual property associated with the content. While we may have the necessary rights to offer a title for streaming, we may not be able to offer it for download.

Netflix’s Marvel series–including Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, The Defenders, and Punisher–are all co-productions with Marvel Studios and ABC Studios. That means that while Netflix has the rights to air those shows, they don’t have the rights to make them available for download.

So that’s why you can’t download Luke Cage for some on-the-go vigilante viewing. It’s not a glitch, it’s the result of the agreement between Netflix and Marvel Studios. If you wanna binge Luke Cage (or any Marvel series), you’re gonna have to do so where wi-fi is plentiful.

BTW, if you want more info on this subject, you can check out our extensive, comprehensive guide to all things Netflix/downloading.

Where to stream Marvel's Luke Cage