Bill Maher Defends His Stance On Economic Recession As A Way To Get Rid Of Trump

Last night on HBO’s Real Time With Bill Maher, the host addressed the recent backlash he himself received for allegedly wishing for a recession in hopes of getting rid of Donald Trump. During the New Rules segment of the show, Maher dedicated his monologue to “anyone who went apeshit the last two weeks,” from the media to celebrities to his Twitter followers, since his first mention of the potential anti-Trump strategy.

“A recession is a survivable event,” said Maher. “What Trump is doing to this country is not. Democracy is about to go the way of the dinosaurs because we’ve been taken over by a dodo bird.” The studio audience met his comments with loud applause.

“So let me repeat, a recession is a survivable event,” he continued. “We’ve survived one every time a Republican is in the White House. Every Republican president since Teddy Roosevelt has presided over a recession… the United States has survived 47 recession in all. Since the Great Depression, we’ve never gone more than 10 years without one.

Another recession is coming, not because I’m rooting for it, but because someone passed a giant tax giveaway to the rich that added trillions to the debt, and started a trade war for no reason and deliberately sabotaged the affordable care act and rolled back the rules for banks so they can once again gamble with our money.”

Maher made sure to attack those who fall under the “right-wing nut-osphere” umbrella, who he claimed are making way more of a stink about his comments than are necessary. Laura Ingraham, for example, he accused of falsely claiming that he wanted “economic collapse,” and Alex Jones, who, reported that Maher has $100 million to his name.

“All I have to say about that is, I do? I’m outta here!” he said, after which the audience laughed in amusement.

He then went after alt-right social media personality Mike Cernovich, who chose to tie recessions to a rise in suicides, essentially accusing Maher of wanting people to die. He sarcastically agreed, but only when it comes to Cernovich, who the host remarked “should stick his head in an oven so starving kids can use it for food.”

“No, I don’t want that,” Maher clarified. “I don’t know who the f*ck you are Mike Cernovich, but I want you to live a long, healthy life and get the help you so desperately need.”

Maher then summarized his rant by again defending his comments that a recession could do some good for the country. “If a recession is what it takes to make Donald Trump not so cute anymore, then bring it on,” he said, comparing a prosperous economy during a Trump presidency to having great sex in a failing relationship. “I just want America to say about Donald Trump what everybody in a relationship says when the hot sex wears off: ‘What the f*ck am I doing with this person?’””

Michael is a music and television junkie keen on most things that are not a complete and total bore. You can follow him on Twitter@Tweetskoor