‘Twin Peaks: The Return’ Was The Most Important Thing On TV Last Year And Emmys Better Not Forget It

Twin Peaks: The Return was an awe-inspiring eighteen hours of television. Each episode toyed with genre conventions and pushed narrative storytelling limits. It was a season of television that gave us Wally Brando, Dougie Jones, Monica Bellucci dreams, and the heart of darkness wafting out of a mushroom cloud. As challenging as it was miraculous, David Lynch and Mark Frost’s return to the tangled saga of Twin Peaks, Washington was worth the wait. Twin Peaks: The Return was a masterpiece, and that’s precisely why it’s insane to me that critics and Emmy pundits seem to have forgotten all about it a year later.

I say that they “seem” to have forgotten, because from where I’m sitting, the heat on Twin Peaks has decidely chilled in the last twelve months. Last summer, the awe surrounded Twin Peaks: The Return seemed to actually vibrate on the air. With each episode’s debut, we got new revelations to chew on, new heartbreaking depictions of modern American society, and even more puzzling scenes that forced us to reflect upon our own reality. To me, Twin Peaks‘ long-awaited third season was as groundbreaking as the original series had been. It pushed the limits of what art and what TV could be. And there was no doubt in my mind that it would light the way for subsequent series of television much as the original Twin Peaks had inspired the structure and style of Peak TV.

Laura Dern collapses into David Lynch's arms in Twin Peaks: The Return
GIF: Showtime

Now that Twin Peaks is finally eligible for Emmys, it’s been shunted out of the conversation by the excellent The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story, and accomplished TV like The Looming Tower. I mean, those shows are good, but they’re not Twin Peaks. And while many experts predict that Twin Peaks will nab a few nominations, I’ve yet to see anything to suggest that it might win those awards.

I’m concerned that Twin Peaks: The Return was so overwhelming in its power, and released so long ago, that Emmy voters have forgotten about it. And that is simply unacceptable.

Now it has come to my attention that some people did not think Twin Peaks: The Return was good television. Those people are stupid and have no taste. I know that’s harsh, but it’s true. On a technical level, Twin Peaks: The Return is sublime. Each episode is constructed with gorgeously framed shots. The imagery is so spectacular that it haunts you afterwards. Kyle MacLachlan, Naomi Watts, and Laura Dern each delivered jaw-dropping performances. Twin Peaks: The Return is indeed worthy of praise and adulation. It is Emmy worthy. It needs to be in the Emmys conversation.

Audrey Horne dances in Twin Peaks: The Return
GIF: Showtime

Now, I understand that awards like the Emmys are about popularity and politics, rather than true artistic merit. Furthermore, I see the fallacy in pitting works of art against each other. That said, Emmys matter insomuch that they show that we as a culture are acknowledging someone’s talent in a specific moment. Twin Peaks: The Return doesn’t just deserve special acknowledgement for its artistry. It demands it.

So as the votes are tallied for this year’s Emmys, I sincerely hope that Twin Peaks gets its due. I hope that art —  strange, unnerving, gorgeous, and sublime art like Twin Peaks: The Return — prevails. 

Monica Bellucci asks "But Who Is The Dreamer?" In Twin Peaks: The Return
GIF: Showtime

Where to Stream Twin Peaks: The Return