This ‘Westworld’ Panel At Comic-Con Will Help You Become A Lawyer

A lot of people think San Diego Comic-Con is all fun and games, but it turns out you could also be on your way to becoming a lawyer if you plan it out right. Well, kinda.

A panel being offered on the first day of this year’s festival titled, Westworld: Further Beyond Frontier Law is an hour long and will net you one credit towards your California MCLE. Yes, really! So don’t let your law school friends complain about how hard it is (JK, this is a fun hour, but it’s pretty damn hard.)

The description for the Thursday, July 19th panel reads, “The revelation of five additional parks makes it clear that there is far more to Westworld than initially meets the eye, and the continued exploration of this fantastic yet twisted Delos Destination depicted in the HBO hit Westworld presents an ever-growing bundle of legal questions and conundrums.”

A panel of legal experts will discuss many of the legal questions that arose throughout the second season, including, “numerous criminal activities by humans and hosts alike, corporate malfeasance and misappropriation of corporate assets, what is (and isn’t) intellectual property,” and more.

The only real question here is…will an hour be enough time to actually figure it all out?

Where to watch Westworld