Bill Maher Says Mike Pence, Mitt Romney Would Be Better Presidents Than Trump During HBO Special

Last night, HBO aired Bill Maher: Live from Oklahoma, the political satirist’s 11th stand-up special for the network home to his late night talk show, Real Time With Bill Maher. As to be expected, Maher centered his act on President Donald Trump, blaming his “micro-dick” for the root of our country’s problems and suggesting that Mike Pence and Mitt Romney would be better presidents at this point. The comedian even went as far as t0 offer Romney $1M to take Donald Trump’s place as head of the United States.

“I was so scared Romney was going to be president I gave Obama a million bucks,” said Maher, referring to the 2012 Republican candidate’s run for POTUS. After detailing what has transpired politically over the last few years, the late night star declared: “I would gladly give Romney $1M tomorrow if he would take over America. Swear to god!”

He added: “I will become a Mormon, how about that?”

He then prefaced his proposal with an attack on Trump, referring to the 45th President of the United States as a “malignant narcissist.” Maher explained how the president’s warped perception of reality is “why he thinks he has a big dick.”

“Doesn’t everything about this man just scream micro-dick? Talking about his dick at the debates? THAT guy is president,” he continued.

Frustratingly, Maher proclaimed that we have “never had [a president] so aggressively stupid. He takes pride in the fact you cannot get information into his head.”

“We don’t know how he gets information. It is entirely possible Sean Hannity blows it directly up his ass,” the comic suggested.

He then pleaded with his viewers to reconsider their stance on Mike Pence as the lesser of two evils, but not before making it clear that he’s by no means a fan of the right wing Christian.

“Mike Pence is the kind of loathsome Christian hypocrite that, if I didn’t hate religion already I would start,” Maher described.

“But Mike Pence is not trying to become a dictator. He does not talk about locking up journalists and political opponents. He can name all three branches of government. He is within the normal parameters of Republican awful. He is not the head a crime family.”

Michael is a music and television junkie keen on most things that are not a complete and total bore. You can follow him on Twitter@Tweetskoor