Believe It Or Not, Ben Affleck Accurately Predicted Someone Would Invent Netflix … Way Back In 2003!

Ben Affleck is a man of many talents. It’s no secret that he’s an accomplished writer (Good Will Hunting), director (Argo), and actor (Reindeer Games), but it turns out that Affleck has another hidden talent: soothsayer. Twitter user John Backus has been doing a deep dive on the history of file sharing and found a 2003 interview in which Ben Affleck seemed to predict the rise of Spotify and Netflix.

During a conversation about file sharing, Affleck noted how the industry had been too slow to embrace and adopt to the latest paradigms and how shareware (Napster) introduced the public to the concept of file sharing. Affleck’s economical assessment of the music industry was spot on, but he also had some prescient thoughts regarding movie streaming.

“I think an annual subscription-based system is one that works,” Affleck, a possible wizard, said. “It’ll be movies on demand, but it’ll be a tiered structure. Like if you want to watch it first weekend, maybe it won’t be available first weekend. But then if you want to watch it, you’ll pay more. And then as it goes to another stage in its release, it’ll become less expensive. But there’s a lot more adoption that has to happen, technologically speaking, right now before people can watch movies, or at least integrate it in terms of a PC or web connection.”

Continued Affleck, “The technology’s not quite there yet, but it will be within, I’d say, five years.”

Turns out that five years was a fairly accurate prediction. As Mashable reports, Netflix announced in 2007 that it would begin streaming content to computers, while Spotify launched in 2008.

Do you like apples? Ben Affleck predicted the rise of Netflix. How do you like them apples?