Tom Arnold Suggests That Mark Burnett Is Hiding The “Pee-Pee Tape” For Trump

Tom Arnold went on a fiery rant today during the Summer TCA presentation for his upcoming Viceland docuseries, The Hunt for the Trump Tapes with Tom Arnold. At one point, Arnold said that we will “know for sure there is a pee-pee tape. There will be no doubt in your mind.” He also suggested that The Apprentice super producer Mark Burnett may actually have the footage.

“I have a question right now,” Arnold said. “Mark Burnett did a show with Putin before The Apprentice. Think about that. So maybe Mark Burnett has a pee-pee tape.”

It was unclear whether that last allegation was a joke or not, but throughout the 32 minute long panel, Arnold railed against Mark Burnett, calling out his hypocrisy and claiming that he has footage showing Trump at his worst, and that he is holding back on releasing it to maintain his power and riches. Arnold said, “I’d like him to stand up and say, ‘Actually, we had to cut out all the lies and sexual harassment and the insanity and the incompetence. He’s not really that guy. We cut that out. The real guy is this other guy.’ That’s the tape I want.”

The Hunt for the Trump Tapes with Tom Arnold is set to feature appearances from journalists, celebrities, and politicos, and in each episode Arnold will be on the hunt for incriminating recordings of President Trump. During the session, Arnold brought up the aforementioned “pee-pee tape” from the Steele Dossier and asserted that he knows it’s real. He also alleged that there’s surveillance video of the President “roughing up” First Lady Melania Trump in an elevator.

Arnold and producers from Viceland were asked more than once if they would sit on any particularly juicy tapes to boost ratings. Executive Producer Nomi Ernst Leidner explained that everything they air on the show will be put through a legal check so that everything they air can be “backed up.” Arnold also said that he would not withhold a tape. “If I got the tape, first of all, I wouldn’t withhold it. If it’s going to help our country, I would not withhold it,” Arnold said.

Throughout the panel, Arnold alleged that everything had changed since President Trump’s summit with Russian leader Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, and people who had formerly cast their lot with the president were “peeling away.” He also alleged that in the last week, he had received a number of major tips from big sources.

Of course, Arnold also admitted that a huge part of this is “personal.” He’s passionate about this because he has personal beef with both Trump and Burnett. When a reporter asked him what his ex-wife and noted Trump supporter Roseanne Barr might make of the project, he fell almost silent. “I have no idea,” though later he said that her treatment of Valerie Jarrett was “racist.” He said, “I think white people are pussies. It’s all about making themselves feel better.”

The latter statement happened during a scried where he claimed that “50% of America knows [Trump’s] racist.” Arnold also said, “Trump doesn’t give a shit about America. He doesn’t give a shit about the troops,” and that Trump’s stand against athletes kneeling during the anthem was just proof of his racism.

The Hunt for the Trump Tapes with Tom Arnold will premiere on Viceland on September 18 at 10:30 PM.