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Stream It Or Skip It: ‘I Am A Killer’ On Netflix, A True-Crime Series About Death Row Inmates

True crime series usually focus on the innocent, but what if a show flipped the script and provided a platform for admitted murderers to speak their truth? Netflix’s newest true crime series, I Am A Killer, does exactly that. Each episode in the 10-part series tells the story of an inmate on death row who has been convicted of capital murder and admitted his guilt, but, as in any good docu-series, these cases are far from normal. Featuring in-depth interviews with inmates, prison employees, and family members, I Am A Killer‘s 10 episodes will delight any true crime fan.


Opening Shot: James Robertson, an inmate in Florida, speaks over images of his prison. “I accept full responsibility for the way that my life’s turned out,” his voiceover says. “People are always talking about how unfair the world is and stuff. Ain’t nobody ever said that life was meant to be fair. People just gotta accept that. There ain’t no sense in being bitter about it. That’s life.” A black title card reads, “Since the introduction of the death penalty in the U.S. in 1976, more than 8,000 people have been sentenced to death for murder. This is the story of death row inmate #322534.”

The Gist: Each episode of I Am A Killer tells the story of one inmate on death row. Some have been there for years, some just recently were sentenced, and some believe that they shouldn’t be there — but all have been convicted of capital murder and are ready to talk about it. The first episode, “Means to an End,” follows the case of James Robertson, an 54-year-old inmate who was convicted as a 17-year-old boy. Robertson was supposed to get out of prison in the 1980s, but he has had countless years added to his sentence (“about 100 years,” he says) for assaulting guards, stabbing other inmates, and getting into fights.

prison inmate in orange shirt looks sad

Before coming to death row, Robertson spent 20-plus years in solitary confinement (known as “Close Management”). According to Robertson, the conditions in Close Management — up to 23 hours of isolation a day, only 6 hours of exercise allowed per week, restricted property rights, and more — were so awful that he felt the only way out was to be sent to death row, a part of the prison that both inmates and employees agree is much more relaxed. After spending years in a solo cell, Robertson was given a Close Management roommate, Frank Hart, and one night, he strangled Hart to death. Robertson admits that he killed Hart in order to be moved to death row, but his wishes weren’t immediately granted. A three-year legal battle ensued, and it took a lengthy investigation to grant Robertson admission.

I Am A Killer features in-depth interviews with Robertson, other inmates, his lawyer, prison psychologists, and family members. The episode specifically focuses on his cousin Darrell, who was too young to know Robertson when he was sent to prison but has since developed a relationship with him via letters. Darrell’s presence offers a small glimmer of hope in an otherwise-dark story: as a result of their growing relationship, Robertson’s violent tendencies seem to have subsided, and he seems genuinely happy to have someone on the outside who cares about him.

man holds a handwritten letter
Darrell reads a letter that Robertson sent him from prison.Netflix

In subsequent episodes, I Am A Killer will explore a variety of different cases, including that of Miguel Angel Martinez, the youngest person ever added to Texas’ death row, and Wayne Doty, a man who wants to be executed in an electric chair, a method of execution that is no longer used in Florida.

What Shows Will It Remind You Of?: I Am A Killer distinguishes itself from other true crime series by focusing on inmates who have admitted their guilt, but structurally and tonally, it stays true to the genre. Netflix’s newest true crime series boasts a similar interview structure to Making A Murderer and The Keepers, two of the platform’s most successful docu-series. The show is also similar to ABC’s The Last Defense, which follows the cases of two different death row inmates who maintain their innocence. Both I Am A Killer and The Last Defense feature partial re-enactments of the crimes and often rely on (sometimes out-of-place) B-roll shots to fill in the story, as prisons often restrict the amount of interview time filmmakers have with inmates.

Memorable Dialogue: Robertson’s interview is disturbing at times, but things take an interesting turn at the end of the episode, when he starts discussing his inevitable death. Robertson acknowledges that “it’s over with now” and insists that he’ll be ready whenever the time comes (although he’s not sure when that will be, because “there’s a long-ass list” ahead of him).

“I already know how they do it, the whole procedure or whatever,” he says. “They put you in some kind of cast thing that they wrap around you to keep your arms from moving, because they think you’re gonna start struggling or something. Which I wouldn’t do.” He goes on to explain that he’ll be okay with the execution process. “All they do is shoot a damn needle in you. I’d much have a needle stuck in me than to be electrocuted, but I could go either way. All that shit you read in the newspapers about how inhumane, they put you to death — no, that’s a bunch of bullshit. I mean, come on, they’re shooting somebody with some damn kind of chemical that knocks you out and puts you to sleep. You ain’t feeling nothing.”

prison inmate in orange shirt smiles creepily

Single Best Shot: I Am A Killer is a docu-series, so it’s by no means a cinematic masterpiece, but one of Robertson’s interview segments will haunt you long after the episode is over. As Robertson discusses killing Hart, he says, “I don’t feel bad about it” and laughs. Then, he slowly smiles and addresses the camera, saying, “You’re looking at me like you think, ‘Oh, that guy’s crazy.'” The camera slowly zooms in on Robertson’s face as he sits back in his chair and smiles smugly. If that doesn’t give you chills, I don’t know what will.

Our Take: I Am A Killer will probably freak you out, but pay no mind to your inner scaredy-cat. The series is an engaging new addition to the true crime genre and Netflix’s ever-expanding criminally-minded library.

Our Call: Stream it. I Am A Killer will satisfy all your true crime cravings, and the show’s 10 episodes will prepare fans for the Season 2 debut of its fictional equivalent, Mindhunter.

Stream I Am A Killer on Netflix