WWE Wrestler Kane Is Now The Mayor Of Knox County Tennessee

WWE wrestler Kane, real name: Glenn Jacobs, has been elected the new mayor of Tennessee’s Knox County. That’s right, the villain formerly known as “Big Red Machine” is now leading the third largest county in the state.

According to NBC News, the 50-year-old Republican overwhelmingly defeated Democratic nominee Linda Haney to become mayor of Knox County. Jacobs, who has been an East Tennessee resident since 1995, also runs a real estate and insurance business.

Though he’s not the first wrestler to make the move to politics, as Jesse “The Body” Ventura served as Minnesota’s governor from 1999 – 2003, Jacobs was still a bit in awe at the accomplishment. “Millions of people have watched me perform live. Who would have thought that all this could happen to a guy like me? Well, it could only happen in America.”

As USA Today reported, the 6-foot-8, 300-pound Jacobs wasn’t frequently turning to wrestling analogies for his political career, but he got one in during his watch party at the Crowne Plaza in downtown Knoxville last night. “This professional wrestler got into a no-holds-barred, last-man-standing match, and when the bell rung, he was victorious,” he said. “We were victorious.”

Now, the logical next step has to be Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s run for president, right?