Remastered ‘Baywatch’ Episodes in HD Might Lead to a TV Reboot

Get ready to watch slow-motion runs, glittering sand and beach, and a young Pamela Anderson… In glowing high definition.

According to Deadline, Fremantle Media, who currently owns the syndication rights to Baywatch, has remastered all 242 episodes of the series, going back to the original 35mm masters so it could be broadcast in high definition. That’s right, folks: every last rescue, all the drama between the lifeguards, every wrinkle in David Hasselhoff’s face will look brand new. In addition, the episodes will be shown in 16:9 format instead of its original 4:3 format, and more contemporary music will replace the very ’90s pop soundtrack.

Why is Fremantle going to these lengths? The company’s COO, Bob McCourt talks about how the Dwayne Johnson movie version, despite mixed reviews and soft box office, showed that bringing back the 1989-2001 series for a new generation is worthwhile. “The results are phenomenal. When you have the sea and obviously it’s set on the beach, it was such a colorful series, so that color really comes out when you put it into HD,” he says.

The idea is to sell the updated episodes to international markets and streaming platforms; it’s still doing well in a lot of international markets, which are airing the original SD version.

Will the theme song be replaced? It’s likely, given that it sounds like it was recorded in an ’80s-era echo chamber:

McCourt also tells Deadline that a reboot of Baywatch is being discussed, depending on how these remastered episodes do. “I think if this remastered version is sold extensively and a new audience comes to Baywatch, then it will give us a real indication as to whether a new series could be successful,” he says.

Hey, The Hoff is still available, as is Pam. Why not just bring the whole gang back and have them work on a seniors-only beach? I definitely would watch that.

Where to stream Baywatch