Decider After Dark

10 Super Hot Sex Scenes That Don’t Feature Any Nudity

As it’s been said many times before, we’re in the golden age of television. So why does it often feel like our TV sex scenes are lazier than ever before? If HBO isn’t throwing a golden orgy in our direction then Netflix is pummeling us with surprise boobs. Censor-free television has led to some incredible innovations in the medium, but as anyone on a first date will tell you, sometimes it’s sexier to keep some things mysterious. That’s where good old-fashioned censored television shines.

While premium cable and streaming services have been pressing their luck to see just how close they can come to adult-only entertainment, basic cable and network shows have been quietly perfecting the steamy hookup. Sometimes those hookups come in the form of fully clothed make out sessions followed by a winking camera fade out. Sometimes they’re nearly nude bedroom scenes that leave just enough to the imagination. Regardless of what’s going on or how much they show, these 10 series know how to get sexiness right.

Above is our list of the 10 steamiest shows that have no problem covering up before they go down. But remember, just because these shows and scenes are FCC approved, that doesn’t mean they’re safe to watch with your parents or anyone who may make this awkward.

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