Cameron Diaz Changed The Rom-Com Game In Every Way

Cameron Diaz isn’t the only one getting presents for her birthday today — you’re also getting a reminder that she has morphed, carried, and just plain owned the romantic comedy genre for the last 20 years.

So often when we talk about rom-coms, and luckily mostly due to Netflix finally getting with the program, we are talking about them often these days, we’re quick to point to Julia Roberts and Reese Witherspoon as some of the accomplished women in this arena. This is simply a check-in to let you know that Cameron has done just as much when it comes to bringing love into her characters’ hearts and smiles onto viewers’ faces. Now, I’m not comparing the women, they all have their own special qualities – and many of them, at that. All I’m saying is that when you’re pointing to the best rom-com leading ladies, Cameron is Top 5, no matter what.

It all started with The Mask, and if her possible decision to retire is true, it all ended with…Sex Tape. Technically, 2014’s Annie was her last film, but we won’t quite consider that a rom-com. In between that span of films, Cameron knew how to be gorgeous and obnoxious and vulnerable and funny and make you want to be her best friend and even made you cry. If she didn’t invent the beautiful spaz stereotype, she certainly perfected it, using her physicality to succeed with both athleticism and goofiness.

Cameron Diaz and Jude Law in The Holiday
Everett Collection


Just think of all the things Cameron’s on-screen performances have done to you, besides change the game in every single way. She made you root for the woman you weren’t supposed to like in My Best Friend’s Wedding, she made you contemplate a new hairstyle in There’s Something About Mary (kudos to any of you out there that actually tried those hairstyling tips), and she made you want to gather up your gal pals and kick ass on the reg in Charlie’s Angels. In Shrek, she taught us all to fall for the nice guy, she deserved a damn Oscar for everything she did in In Her Shoes, and with The Holiday, she assisted us all in swooning hard for Jude Law with a napkin over his face.

At this point, I’d like to discuss Cameron’s contributions to the most underrated period in her career. First up, The Sweetest Thing basically paved the way for Bridesmaids and other movies that allowed (encouraged, even!) woman to be sexually liberated/total pervs — and be hilarious at the same time. With What Happens in Vegas, she brought the dream pairing of Diaz-Kutcher to life in a movie that has way more heart than you would ever expect it to, while never compromising on the laughs. Plus, if it’s any consolation, To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before breakout star Noah Centineo has been pointing to it as one of his all-time favorite rom-coms, confirming he does in fact have excellent taste.

Oh, and in Bad Teacher? Cameron is that movie. She’s a total force, and one that rocks smudged makeup better than most of us do with a full face of it. There’s no point in being bitter that the general public doesn’t give this woman the credit that she deserves for those roles — you know, the ones that brought millions of people heaps of joy and laughter. All I’m asking is that not just on her birthday, but every day, you show this trailblazer the respect she deserves and acknowledge her contributions to the genre as a whole.

I refuse to believe Cameron is actually retired. Did she earn it? Yes. But do we deserve it? No. Just browse the internet, it will tell you in 100 different ways that the rom-com is back, which only means Cameron should be too.

Where to watch What Happens in Vegas