John Krasinski’s Jack Ryan Is The Jack Ryan Who F*cks

What’s the first term you think of when you hear the words Jack Ryan? That’s right… SEX. Portrayed by a bevy of Hollywood hunks in the past — Alec Baldwin, Harrison Ford, Chris Pine, and Ben Affleck — the popular action hero who puts the H-O-T in C-I-A is back in Amazon’s new thriller Jack Ryan. While there’s been a smattering of sexy moments from the aforementioned quartet of CIBae agents, the most-recent iteration of the character, played by former Office prankster John Krasinski, has raised the ol’ clearance level if you’re picking up what I’m laying down.

Basically what I’m saying is that this Jack Ryan isn’t your parent’s Jack Ryan because this Jack Ryan f*cks.

As I wrote on Friday, Jack Ryan the series doesn’t so much begin with a bang as it does with a whimper. Despite the slow start, the action eventually rises to the occasion, culminating in a Jack Ryan/Cathy Mueller (Abbie Cornish) sex scene in Episode 4. After an emotionally and physically draining experience in the field, Jack regroups by returning home, showering, and texting Cathy. From there, the two…

Wait. Gotta give the people what they want…

Jack Ryan shower.
Photo: Amazon

After dinner, drinks, and sparkling banter, timid Mr. Ryan attempts to call it a night, but Cathy has other ideas. She invites him in, the two have a drink, and before you know it the CIA analyst and his future wife are embarking upon their very own one-on one edition of patriot games.

I don’t know if I’m immensely ashamed of that last pun or incredibly proud. Probably a mixture of both. Anyway, here’s Jack and Cathy steaming it up.

Jack Ryan and Cathy making out.
Photo: Amazon
Jack Ryan/Cathy
Photo: Amazon
Jim and Pam sit at a Chili's bar and talk.

Jack Ryan isn’t the sexiest show on Amazon, that’s obviously Bosch, but Episode 4 does take a break from the high-octane action to deliver John Krasinksi fans with a scene they won’t soon forget.

Stream Episode 4 of Jack Ryan on Amazon.

Where to stream Jack Ryan