Monica Lewinsky Will Discuss Her Relationship with the President in Docu-Series ‘The Impeachment of Bill Clinton’

It’s been 20 years since Bill Clinton was impeached for his extramarital activities, but the case remains ever-present in American culture. Today, A&E announced that they will capitalize on that widespread interest with a three-part docu-series, tentatively titled The Impeachment of Bill Clinton. The docu-series, from veteran producer Alex Gibney, will reexamine the historic events surrounding Clinton’s impeachment through never-before-seen footage and in-depth interviews with those involved, including accusers Monica Lewinsky, Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, and Juanita Broaddrick, who claimed that Clinton raped her in 1978.

The Impeachment of Bill Clinton marks the first time Lewinsky has spoken candidly about her relationship with Clinton. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the former White House intern sat for numerous interview with Gibney and director Blair Foster, and she spoke honestly about being in love with Clinton. Throughout the interviews, Lewinsky discusses being betrayed by her friend Linda Tripp (Tripp secretly recorded their conversations), making arrangements with Clinton’s personal secretary Betty Currie to see the president, and the night she wore the infamous blue Gap dress. In a moment that will surely be talked about after the docu-series airs, writes THR, Lewinsky recalls that she went to dinner that night, and none of her friends said she had “stuff” all over her dress.

Elaine Frontain Bryant, executive VP and head of programming at A&E, describes The Impeachment of Bill Clinton as “a real-life political thriller and the most in-depth and intimate account of how one of the biggest scandals in our nation’s history unfolded, forever changing the landscape of American politics.” Clinton’s impeachment may have happened decades ago, but the current political climate, especially special counsel Robert Muller’s investigation into President Trump and the #MeToo movement, has made the case particularly relevant today. “My goal for this series was to do a deep dive into the facts and speak to as many people as possible who were involved,” said Foster. “The deeper I got the clearer it became that this series is as much about the present day as it is about the 1990s.”

When all is said and done, Foster will have conducted more than 60 interviews with Clinton’s accusers and people close to the Clintons. However, there are two central figures who will not be featured in the docu-series: Bill and Hillary themselves. “We would have loved to interview them,” Foster told THR. “They’re certainly aware of the project.” Foster is still holding onto a small bit of hope that the Clintons will sit for an interview, but she’s not too optimistic. After all, Bill and Hillary have little to gain by participating in a docu-series about the impeachment, especially one that will likely paint the former president in a critical light.

The Impeachment of Bill Clinton premieres November 18 on A&E.