Sandra Oh Brought Her Parents to the Emmys and it was the Cutest Thing

It’s the fantasy a lot of us have, right? We wanna get rich and famous so we can pay it back to the people that gave us the most: our parents. Actors get to do just that at awards shows, treating their parents to the glitz and glamor you know they don’t get any other day of their life. And that’s just what Sandra Oh did at tonight’s Emmys, when she brought Mr. and Mrs. Oh along for her red carpet ride.

Oh made Emmy history by becoming the first-ever Asian actress to be nominated in a leading actress category for her work on BBC America’s Killing Eve. She was previously nominated 5 times for her supporting work on Grey’s Anatomy, but this year marks a big moment not just for her but for the Emmys and representation on TV. Of course she was gonna let her parents come along for her victory lap!

Totally adorable, right? Just the absolute best!

And Twitter rightfully lost their minds (in a great way) over this cuteness overload.

Where to stream the Emmys