Seth Meyers Calls Trump’s North Carolina Visit “Super Weird”

Yesterday, President Trump traveled to North Carolina to survey the damage caused by Hurricane Florence. This time, no videos surfaced of the president launching paper towels at hurricane victims, but that didn’t stop Seth Meyers for calling out the “super weird” visit on Late Night with Seth Meyers. In a hilarious “A Closer Look” segment, Meyers accused Trump of having a “finders keepers” mentality and questioned whether this is really the man who should be choosing the next Supreme Court justice.

Meyers explained that during Trump’s visit to North Carolina, he spoke to a man who found a yacht washed ashore in his backyard. After asking who the boat belonged to, Trump reportedly told the man, “At least you got a nice boat out of the deal.” At first, Meyers laughed off Trump’s comment, saying, “I swear Trump could see a guy jump off a building and say, ‘Oh cool, free shoes.'”

Meyers then took Trump to task for reportedly asking, “What’s the law? Maybe [the boat] becomes theirs.” Joked the late night host, “Ah, yes, who could forget the famous Supreme Court case of Finders v. Keepers.” Meyers pointed to a photo of Trump standing next to a destroyed home, saying, “This is the guy, that right there, is the man who gets to pick our next Supreme Court justice. A man who thinks that, legally speaking, if a boat shows up on your lawn, you get to keep it.”

Meyers also poked fun at Trump’s “This is a tough hurricane, one of the wettest we’ve ever seen from the standpoint of water” comments in his opening monologue. “Talking about the weather is what people do when they know they’re bad at talking and don’t want to embarrass themselves, and you still screwed it up,” said Meyers. “So, how about this weather we’re ham sandwich — dammit!”

Watch Meyers’ entire “Closer Look” segment above.

Where to stream Late Night with Seth Meyers