Hillary Clinton Scolds Republicans For “Trying To Rush” Kavanaugh Election On ‘Late Show with Stephen Colbert’

Last night on CBSThe Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Hillary Clinton sat down for an interview with the host, during which the topic of whether or not Christine Blasey Ford would agree to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee next week about her sexual-assault allegation against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh came up. The former First Lady and Presidential Candidate appeared on the late night talk show to promote her new book, What Happened, which is now out in paperback.

Prior to discussing the FBI’s investigation of Kavanaugh, or lack thereof, Colbert had just one question for Clinton: “Do you think the nomination process in general is irreparably damaged following the Republicans not allowing Merrick Garland to be heard?”

“Well, it’s one of the reasons I think a lot of Americans are just fed up with the political process,” Clinton replied. “Because in a democracy, you have to have at least enough trust to be able to work with each other and try to solve difficult problems. When the Republicans refused to give a distinguished judge, appointed by President Obama, even the courtesy of meetings let alone a hearing, that sent such a terrible message.”

Clinton then moved on to scolding Republicans for their maneuvering in regards to Kavanaugh by “trying to rush this through to the detriment of the American public who deserves to have answers to whatever charges might be presented.”

“So I’m hoping that at some point there will be an agreement to have an investigation,” Clinton concluded. “It would be very easy for the FBI to go back and finish the background investigation, to investigate these charges. And, you know, maybe find out there’s nothing to them, maybe find out there’s something to them, but at least have that investigation completed. And I think that’s what is a fair request, for due process to be asked for.”

Clinton then told Colbert that she “absolutely” thinks that the president of the United States can be the subject of a criminal investigation, however it would have to be centered on something that happened “in office” rather than “before he got into office.”

Michael is a music and television junkie keen on most things that are not a complete and total bore. You can follow him on Twitter@Tweetskoor