Chidi Stripped on ‘The Good Place’, And America’s Thirst is Real

It may seem like we’re living in an endless hellscape, but Thursday night’s episode of The Good Place proved, once and for all, that this really is the Good Place. The episode, “Jeremy Bearimy,” served as a breakout for moral philosophy professor Chidi Anagonye (William Jackson Harper) — both for his character and his bangin’ bod. In one particularly jaw-dropping moment, Chidi has an existential freakout and takes his shirt off (as one does), revealing an “abalanche” that sent Twitter into a tailspin. Who knew the conflicted softie was packing so much heat under those oxford shirts?

“Jeremy Bearimy” was great for plenty of reasons — it features a bizzare-o explanation of how time works in the afterlife, a rare moment of kindness from Eleanor (Kristen Bell), a cameo from writer Megan Amram and her “chin guitar,” and more — but these moments all pale in comparison to Chidi’s shirtless scene. After learning that the members of the Brainy Bunch are actually dead and have been sent to the Bad Place for their deeds on Earth, Chidi has a total meltdown. He wanders into a park, and when the sprinklers douse him, he takes off his heinous yellow sweater vest and bares all. And let me tell you: William Jackson Harper is seriously jacked. With the exception of a few scenes here and there, Harper has spent the entirety of his time on The Good Place buttoned up (both literally and figuratively), so no one was expecting to see a ripped physique under all that wool blend.

But it gets better: Chidi stays shirtless for a good long while. A distraught (and shirtless) Chidi heads to the grocery store, where he piles ingredients for candy chili into his cart (think ground beef, Peeps, M&Ms, and almond milk). After making the rounds (shirtless) at the store, he’s finally told to cover up, and he proceeds to grab a light purple number that says, “Who What When Where Wine!”

The entire ordeal left fans thirsting for some Chidi bod, and hundreds of viewers — including this very site — took to social media to express their newfound love for the philosophy professor.

There’s really just one conclusion here: Chidi can freaking get it. I’ll eat your gross candy chili off your abs any time, you beautiful, indecisive beast.

Where to stream The Good Place