Thank You ‘Curious Creations of Christine McConnell’ for Giving Us Rose, a Thirsty Mess of a Puppet

I joined a cult this Halloween season. I didn’t expect to, but then again, I don’t think anyone plans on joining a cult. But I shoulda known the second I hit “play” on the first episode of Netflix’s creature feature crafts show The Curious Creations of Christine McConnell that I was a goner. I love Halloween, I love puppets, I love oddball humor, and I even love watching people make things that I will never in a million years attempt. I am now a member of the Cult of Christine McConnell, and my personal priest is a thirsty mess of a puppet named Rose.

Truth be told, Curious Creations is stacked with absolutely delightful characters. The Christine Cult members at Decider have already praised Rankle, an Egyptian mummy cat embalmed with exasperated sass, and gushed about Norman, Christine’s adorable serial killer BF. Now it’s time to talk about Christine’s other partner-in-crime-and-crafting, Rose, a reanimated hodgepodge of roadkill with a fork for a hand performed by puppeteer Colleen Smith. Rose knows what she wants. She. Wants. Men.

Rose - Curious Creations - that's you, my boo
Photo: Netflix

Rose wants all types of men, too. She’s not picky in that she has a type, per se, but in that she knows exactly what she’s into the instant she sees it–and ain’t no one gonna stand in her way. Not a neighbor who wants to get between Rose’s totally consensual relationship with a garden gnome named Mr. Grumbles…

Curious Creations, Rose hitting on a garden Gnome
Photo: Netflix
Curious Creations, Rose hitting on a garden Gnome
Photo: Netflix
Curious Creations, Rose hitting on a garden Gnome
Photo: Netflix

She doesn’t even let her creator/buddy Christine stand in the way of her unquenchable thirst for possible serial killer Norman, even when Christine is literally standing right there.

Curious Creations, Rose hitting on Norman
Photo: Netflix
Curious Creations, Rose hitting on Norman
Photo: Netflix
Curious Creations, Rose hitting on Norman
Photo: Netflix
Curious Creations, Rose hitting on Norman
Photo: Netflix

Rose is an inspiration for viewers looking for the courage to speak up about their preferences loudly and proudly. Rose readily admits that she does not like standardized tests and treats crafting like chore work (unless she can eat the project ASAP). But what does Rose like?

Curious Creations, rose wanting nipples
Photo: Netflix
Curious Creations, rose wanting nipples
Photo: Netflix
Curious Creations, Rose wanting tickles
Photo: Netflix

Nipples and tickles, honey, Rose likes nipples and tickles!

But what makes Rose a true inspiration for the confidence challenged is how she feels about herself. Girl is confident and knows the importance of feeling yourself!

Photo: Netflix
Curious Creations, Rose and her effect on men
Photo: Netflix

But here’s what makes Rose truly the most human of all of Christine’s creations, even if there were presumably zero human bits Frankensteined onto/into her (presumably…): Rose suffers from sporadic yet debilitating cases of the feel bads!

Curious Creations, Rose, saying she's an idiot
Photo: Netflix
Curious Creations, Rose, asking if she's trashy
Photo: Netflix

Sometimes Rose is even consumed with rage!

Curious Creations, Rose burn down house
Photo: Netflix

Honestly, who hasn’t screamed that exact same sentiment this year?

Rose lets herself feel her emotions, of which she has plenty, but she bounces back from her darkest moments because of she also lets herself feel the love of those around her. She’s a chocolate loving, trash eating, murder plotting party animal who is not afraid to let her freak flag fly. Sounds like the kinda hero we need in 2018!

My name is Brett, I’m a member of the Curious Creations Cult, and I am a disciple of Rose.

Curious Creations, Rose, shouting Yeah
Photo: Netflix

Stream The Curious Creations of Christine McConnell on Netflix