Chuck Lorre Slams “Fascist” Donald Trump in ‘Big Bang Theory’ Vanity Card

The Big Bang Theory creator Chuck Lorre is no stranger to adding vanity cards at the end of his shows, and on Thursday, his post-credits message proved extra timely. In a desperate plea, Lorre asked God to inspire voters to head to the polls on November 6, to give strength to Robert Mueller, and to rebuke the “fascist, hate-filled” Donald Trump. The vanity card, #598 of its kind, doesn’t name Trump directly, but by mentioning “Bob Mueller” and an “autocratic golf cheater,” it’s pretty damn clear who Lorre is referencing.

Lorre’s most recent vanity card aired Thursday following a new Halloween episode of The Big Bang Theory. After 19 minutes of wholesome BBT fun, Lorre’s 598th vanity card, titled “My Prayer,” filled the screen. “God,” began Lorre, “I humbly beseech thee to make thy presence known on November 6th. Demonstrate your omnipotence through us as we make ink marks on little circles in curtained booths.” The producer continued with a string of comments aimed directly at Trump. “Of course if you, in your divine wisdom, believe a fascist, hate-filled, fear-mongering, demagogic, truth-shattering, autocratic golf cheater is what we need right now, then, you know, thy will be done,” the card read.

After asking that God “encourage voter turnout” towards “more freedom, more love, more compassion, and just more of the good stuff,” Lorre got in a joke about special counsel Robert Mueller. “Also God, please help Bob Mueller,” he said. “I know there must be thousands of guys named Bob Mueller, so why not help them all, just to be on the safe side. Amen.”

Vanity card after 'The Big Bang Theory' October 25, 2018
Photo: CBS

This isn’t the first time the sitcom veteran has taken aim at President Trump and his administration in a vanity card. In September, Lorre said that he was “developing a new sitcom about a guy who was raised in wealth and privilege by a cold, distant mother and a racist, moneygrubbing father.” Again, Lorre didn’t mention Trump by name, but his target was clear. “You’re thinking ‘How can this possibly be funny?’ Not to worry,” he told Mom viewers. “My hope is to find belly laughs in his golf game, which he cheats at, and the people around him, all of whom know right from wrong, but are utterly lacking in common decency and courage.”

Where to stream The Big Bang Theory