A Brief Reminder That Ice Cube Is A Damn Good Actor

Ice Cube is a great actor. I know we all know this, but do we really KNOW this? Like, do we think about it as often as we should and truly appreciate the performances he’s bringing to the screen? The answer might be no, and the point of this is to serve as a reminder and celebration of that fact.

I came to this realization while watching Fist Fight on HBO. Yes, really. The Ice Cube/Charlie Day comedy about two teachers that get in a fight in the school yard is a genius/ridiculous premise, and the final product was the same. But after a handful of lip curls from Ice Cube, it clicked: this guy delivers. I believe he is angry and annoyed with Charlie Day’s character. I believe he wants to (and will) kick his ass, the same way I believed it when he barked at Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill in 21 Jump Street (and 22, too). And I believe he is one of the most reliable comedic actors of our time, as proven by many of the other franchises he’s stared in, including the Friday movies, the Ride Along movies with Kevin Hart, as well as Barbershop, Are We There Yet, etc., etc, along with classics such as Boyz n the Hood and Three Kings. There’s a reason why this man continues to star in so many films and franchises: he’s that damn good.

The thing with actors this good is that we don’t tend to celebrate them in the same way we do for actors that take on a challenging or controversial role in a play for awards season statues. But what about the actors that do everything they’re supposed to do in the movies that are silly and ridiculous and the ones we turn to when we want to lift our moods? The ones that always find a way to make us laugh. Those are the actors we depend on when we need them most. And that sentiment was beyond apparent when I rewatched Friday, which is now streaming on Netflix. That movie (which Ice Cube also co-wrote and produced) was practically made for Netflix, even though it was released over two decades ago. In 2018, you can still invite your friends over, relax (if you know what I mean) and enjoy the movie that tells a timeless and universal tale of making it through the damn day with your friends. Oh, not to mention, it’s freakin’ funny, it’s the birth of “Bye, Felicia,” and it’s film proof that a stoner comedy can be important and influential.

Ice Cube has built up so much credibility as an actor that he’s bankable, he’s popular, and the tide doesn’t really change on him. People know they’re getting something they will be entertained by when he’s present. His movies make money at the box office, and he’s loved by people of all ages (often my parents will see an Ice Cube film and rave about it before I do). Also, truly, no one spits out the word “motherfucker” as great as he does. If that’s not the definition of a successful actor, then what even is?

As any magic lover knows, the most important part of a trick is the reaction, and Ice Cube is the master of reactions. His brow furrows, his lip curls, his fists ball up, his eyes dart to the side in judgement: it’s what proves to the audience that what he just witnessed is as stupid and infuriating as it gets. But the real magic from Ice Cube is that he’s just as funny, just as reactionary, and just as menacing opposite Chris Tucker as he is Jillian Bell. He’s consistently a perfect half of an odd couple, giving his acting partner plenty to bounce off of at all times.

And so now that we’ve all been reminded of exactly how great Ice Cube is as an actor (really very great), please go choose your favorite film (or franchise) of his and watch it for maximum laughs. Thank you and bye, Felicia.

Where to stream Friday