Stephen Colbert Gives Michael Cohen “A Little Tip” for His First Day in Prison

On Wednesday, President Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen was sentenced to three years in prison after pleading guilty to a variety of criminal charges, including violating campaign finance laws and tax evasion. Cohen’s sentencing gave late night hosts plenty to talk about, especially The Late Show‘s Stephen Colbert, who had some choice words for the ex-lawyer. Colbert used his monologue to give Cohen a “little tip” for his first day in prison, which pretty much amounted to “Grab an umbrella, make it rain.”

Colbert began the show with an introduction to “the landmark case of Donald Trump v. Getting Caught.” After recapping that Cohen was sentenced to three years in a federal prison for, among other things, paying off women who claimed to have had sex with Trump, Colbert offered him a bit of advice. “A little tip for Mr. Cohen,” said Colbert. “First day in prison, you walk right up to the biggest guy in the yard, you pay him $130,000. Boom!” Colbert’s suggestion was met with huge cheers from the audience, who clearly remembered the $130,000 Cohen paid to Stormy Daniels ahead of the 2016 election (the subject of the campaign finance violation charge). As if to illustrate his point, Colbert then mimed spreading dollars across the prison yard.

The Late Show host then took another jab at Cohen, who told the court that he “felt it was [his] duty to cover up [Trump’s] dirty deeds.” Said Colbert, “Evidently, you suck at it. Not good at it.” Colbert joked that “Dirty Deeds” was “Stormy Daniels’ co-star,” before adding that Cohen’s “only real crime was being loyal to Donald Trump, which we now know is a felony.”

Watch Colbert give Cohen some very important advice in the clip above.

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