This Moment From ‘Michael Jackson’s This Is It’ Gives Me Goosebumps Every Time

If you’ve never seen Michael Jackson’s This Is It, the behind the scenes documentary chronicling the rehearsals leading up to the major tour that never happened due to his death, you can now watch it on Netflix. If you have seen it, then you won’t be surprised to know that one particular moment gives me goosebumps every time I watch it.

At around the 15-minute mark, a group of dancers are seen rehearsing in front of a green screen for a visual that would depict thousands marching along and performing choreography to “They Don’t Care About Us.” As Michael joins to go over the dance moves with them, with rehearsal footage interspersed from run-throughs on stage, it’s impossible not to feel the energy of this moment, building up to an incredible live performance that would never be.

What stands out is the dedication and focus of the dancers, the perfectionism from Michael, and mixed with the song, both its beat and message, as well as the CGI visuals, it’s sure to get your heart pumping and your toes tapping. It’s one of the best examples throughout the doc, and there are many, depicting just how much work from every single aspect, and every single person, was going into this show. There are a lot of reasons to watch Michael Jackson’s This Is It, but the preparation for this song is one that gets me every time.

Where to stream Michael Jackson's This Is It