Wendy Williams Attributes On-Air Slurring To Pain Medication

Wendy Williams has apologized after fans noticed some odd behavior Thursday on The Wendy Williams Show. Williams appeared to be slurring her words, prompting concern about her health. She later took to social media to apologize, saying the slurring could be attributed to pain medication she’s been taking for a fractured shoulder, as well as her thyroid condition.

“I sincerely apologize if you feel that today’s show was less than stellar,” Williams wrote in an Instagram post. “I’m on your TV screens every day wanting to spread laughter, entertainment and cheer. As I reported earlier in the week, I have a hairline fracture on my upper arm, which hurts like hell. I’ve never broken a bone or experienced a fracture in my life. In the key place where the fracture is, and trying to scurry around and do too much, I am now paying the price. I’ve never taken a pain medication in my life (except when I got snatched over 20 years ago) until this week. I did that to power through and try to deliver a great show for you, against the better judgement of the many people around me who genuinely care for my well-being. I really do ride or die for my craft and give 200%. Not to mention everyone is aware at this point about my thyroid condition (don’t cry for me Argentina). For all my fellow thyroid sufferers, you know what the deal is. And for those that don’t: I encourage you to please read up.”

She continued, “Needless to say, whatever today’s performance was with the legendary The Lox, who said such nice things, I have no regrets and I appreciate everyone’s genuine concern for my wellness and care. I promise you a better Wendy in 2019. I will get some much needed rest and healing over these next couple of weeks. (Yes I am definitely juicing over the next couple of weeks). Sorry again. I love you all. Happy Holidays!”

You can check out the interview below.

Williams’ health has prompted concern in the past. Earlier this year, her The Wendy Williams Show went on a three-week hiatus for Williams to focus on her health after she was diagnosed with Graves disease. She also had fainted on-air during her show’s Halloween episode on October 31. Williams said she became dehydrated and overheated because of the heavy Halloween costume she was wearing.