Louis C.K. & Ricky Gervais Under Fire For Using N-Word In 2011 Clip

Louis C.K. and Ricky Gervais are under fire for a resurfaced video where the two white comedians are seen freely using the n-word. Chris Rock, who was also featured in the 2011 HBO special Talking Funny, is also receiving backlash for his participation.

The clip is making its rounds on Twitter nearly seven years after it first aired. The special centered on the three comedians, along with Jerry Seinfeld, discussing their individual comedy styles. During the discussion, Rock referred to CK as ‘the blackest white guy I know’.

“All the negative things we think about black people, this fucker,” says Rock.

“You’re saying I’m a n*****?” said CK. The racial slur is then repeated by Rock, to which the group erupted in laughter.

In a very comfortable discussion, CK the repeats the word several times before Ricky seems to slip and say: “Who says n***** on stage on stage?” Seinfeld never says the word and even explains how he hasn’t found nor seeks the humor in it. You can check out the clip below.

The comments have been flying in on Twitter, with one user saying: “Chris Rock outta all people. Hmmm… who knew this black man was ready to find the humour of a white man using the n word multiple times in this video on camera AND admitting using it a lot more off camera? All I got left to say is Louis Ck…Kmft.”

Even Chance The Rapper has weighed in on the topic.

This is not the first time CK has gone under fire this year. The comedian was faced with extensive allegations of sexual misconduct that surfaced as part of the #MeToo movement. He recently made his return to stand-up but most fans were not ready to forgive and forget.

Michael is a music and television junkie keen on most things that are not a complete and total bore. You can follow him on Twitter@Tweetskoor