The Marie Kondo Book Debate: No, ‘Tidying Up’ Doesn’t Hate Your Books

Okay, let’s get into this whole Marie Kondo book debate. People have still not learned that you should proooooobably watch a show before lighting up your hot takes and letting them recklessly burn on Twitter. Tidying Up with Marie Kondo is Netflix’s patient and totally reasonable response to stress-fests like Hoarders or TLC’s old show Clean Sweep. Those shows sensationalized clutter, dropping the viewer into legit hazardous situations or shoving the week’s messy Marvins into an intense weekend of clean-up upheaval. Unlike those shows, Tidying Up actually talks to the clients about their emotions, why they have certain things, and it lets them take over a month to make decisions on everything they own. Kondo’s KonMari method doesn’t prioritize living a life with empty shelves or no shelves at all; it prioritizes ridding your space of things you don’t like or don’t have use for. That obviously includes books.

In a handful of episodes–literally only 3 of the 8 episodes–Kondo gives people advice on how to sort books. The fact that she looked at a book with a critical eye was too much for some people, and the reaction was very strong.

First, Marie Kondo doesn’t advocate having clean boring shelves. Every episode ends with after shots of closets still filled with clothes and walls of shelves still filled with shoes, DVDs, and yes, books. Second, what’s right for a one person isn’t right for everyone, and to be so angrily dismissive of the fact that people live in confined spaces or have switched to digital libraries is a bit narrow-minded. Third, Marie Kondo does understand the magic of books–which people would know if they actually watch Tidying Up.

Here’s what Marie Kondo actually says about books in Episode 5: “Take every single book into your hands and see if it sparks joy for you… But with books, you also want to ask this question to yourself, ‘By having these books, will it be beneficial to your life going forward?'” Marie Kondo also gets why books are important: “Books are the reflection of our thoughts and values. So by tidying books, it will show you what kind of information is important to you at this moment.” Marie Kondo likes books! And as she proves over and over and over and over again throughout the series, with everything from clothes to old mailboxes and never-worn shoes, she intends for people to keep the things that mean something to them, but she wants them to actually think about why they hold on to things. And if you want to keep them all, you can keep them all!

Episode 6’s Sehnita does want them all. She has a hard time even thinking about getting rid of books. This is why it’s important that Tidying Up takes place over weeks. Sehnita isn’t pressured to give up anything she doesn’t want with the sound of a timer ringing in her ears. She has time to actually think about things. When all is said and done, here’s what their living room looks like:

Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, book shelves after
Photo: Netflix

Four big, tall shelves filled with books. Shelves so tall that you need a ladder to get to the top of them.

Books take up physical space and shelves take up space. I own 5,349 comic books–I understand this intimately. This is my life, too! I have a room in my New York City apartment with a whole wall filled with shelves for single issues of comics and around 300 action figures on display. I get loving collections, but I also get that sometimes things gotta go because you just don’t have the space for them–and there’s nothing wrong with that.

Marie Kondo never once tells people they have to get rid of every book they own, and she definitely never tells them they have to throw them away. Thankfully this misinterpretation of Kondo’s whole thing has caused people to champion donating books to libraries or prisons, to people that do need books. If you love books so much, shouldn’t you want every single book in your home to be with someone that will read and get use out of them?

Marie Kondo doesn’t want you to get rid of any books that bring you joy, even if that is every single book you own. Man, at least this over reaction inspired some good jokes.

Stream Tidying Up with Marie Kondo on Netflix