‘One Day at a Time’ Season 3 Proves It’s the Most Important Show in Netflix History

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One Day At A Time (2017)

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Hundreds of years from now when cyber archaeologists excavate the digital remains of today’s internet, what will they make of Netflix? Will it be studied as the industry disruptor that changed how the world watches content or will it be dismissed as the confusing half of the ancient phrase “Netflix and chill”? Will Jessica Jones, Kimmy Schmidt, or Eleven have cultural relevancy beyond the 2010’s? There’s one show that absolutely should define Netflix’s legacy well into the future, one show that best exemplifies the quality of the network’s content and the trailblazing path it cut during a very troubling time. That show is One Day at a Time.

It’s not House of Cards. It’s not Stranger Things. It’s none of the Marvel shows, none of the true crime docs, and it’s not A Christmas Prince or even Queer Eye. The most important show that Netflix has ever released, and quite possibly will ever release, is a multi-camera reboot of a 40-year-old family sitcom. One Day at a Time has always been good, frankly way better than it had any right to be when it debuted two years ago. But Season 3, now available on Netflix, elevates the show to legendary status. This gamble was worth taking and the show’s quality was not a fluke. One Day at a Time is the most important show on Netflix.

One Day at a Time, Penelope and Elena
Photo: Netflix

I get that the phrase “important” gets thrown around a lot, a word reserved for prestige dramas and rarely used for a half-hour sitcom. But One Day at a Time is important because it’s a half-hour sitcom, one similar in tone to the TGIF shows we grew up with and the Disney kid-coms that post-millennials and their younger siblings still watch today. Unlike all the other Important Shows on Netflix, One Day at a Time is the rare show that’s not only appropriate the entire family, but it’s relevant to the entire family.

This isn’t a knock against adult-leaning shows like Orange Is the New Black or GLOW, two other groundbreaking Netflix series that overlap with ODaaT in the serious issues department. But I’d argue that shows that take full advantage of Netflix’s uncensored, potentially TV-MA style have it infinitely easier than One Day at a Time, which gets deep into heavy topics in 25 minute, TV-PG installments. Every episode of this comedy takes issues like mental health, substance abuse, sexuality, gun violence, gender expression, divorce, racism, sexism, and just being a person in today’s America… and One Day at a Time makes it funny for families.

One Day at a Time Season 3 cast
Photo: Netflix

The show is a Trojan Horse designed to sneak in serious topics, positive progressive ideals, radical empathy, and unconditional love into households across this America. It gets you with the comforting setup, a three-camera style and the cozy sound of an audience laughing at punchlines. The performances initially feel broad, the stock sitcom characters we’ve seen on everything from Family Matters and Growing Pains to Full House and, well the original One Day at a Time: a saucy grandma, a no-nonsense mom, a nerdy daughter, and a sneaky son, topped off with a clingy next door neighbor. Watching your first few episodes of One Day at a Time is effortless, soothing, familiar.

And then it gets to you, right in the heart.

It gets you in Season 1’s “Quinces,” when Elena comes out to her quasi-estranged father and gets a crushing response. It gets you in Season 2’s “Not Yet,” a truly daring half hour of television that strips away all the conventional sitcom trappings and exposes every single character–even the over-the-top Schneider–as a beautifully raw human being. Now fully in its stride, One Day at a Time Season 3 gets you in the gut over and over and over again, be it an episode about Penelope worrying about her teenage son vaping or the family clashing against an increasingly hostile attitude towards immigrants. One Day at a Time exudes so much confidence, you know it never considers backing down from any of today’s issues because it’s just a multi-cam family sitcom. This is the bravest show on Netflix.

But a sitcom that just preaches to you, possibly down to you, would not be effectively doing its job. No one wants to watch a show that feels like an HR seminar or a college lecture. One Day at a Time succeeds because it is also, somehow, impossibly, the funniest comedy on Netflix, and definitely the funniest multi-cam comedy currently on TV, period. Over three seasons, the show has perfected the jokes-to-moments ratio, knowing exactly when a zinger is needed to ease tension and when to hold back on a punchline because an emotional beat needs to land. This is also the only show making jokes about today’s issues, from #MeToo to pronouns, that don’t come from an incredulous “Can you believe this?” place. One Day at a Time repeatedly disproves the notion that “political correctness” is killing comedy, specifically because–and get a load of this radical idea!–ODaaT employs an actually diverse group of writers, writers that know how to find the humor in otherwise tricky areas because they’re coming from their lived experience.

Laughter brings people together. All of our favorite moments with our friends and family involve laughter. The reason we yearn to repair broken relationships is probably because you can remember the joy of laughing with that person. Our darkest moments are lit up by laughter. When we both laugh at the same thing at the same time, we’re united. We’re together, no matter who we are or where we come from. And throughout history, its continually been comedy, from the interracial marriage of I Love Lucy to the feminism of The Mary Tyler Moore Show to the out and proud characters of Will & Grace, that have pushed our world forward by making us laugh–by bringing us together with characters and other viewers that don’t have all of our shared experiences. A show about a Cuban-American family living right now, it’s the perfect show at the perfect time. There’s an entire generation of viewers growing up right now with this ferociously funny show serving as inoculation against the hate of the world. It’s literal must see TV, and Netflix should be proud to have it define its legacy.

Stream One Day at a Time on Netflix