‘Dating Around’ Is The Most Accurate Portrayal Of Dating In NYC — For Better And Definitely For Worse

Welcome to the show that captures everything you’re not supposed to watch, and probably don’t even want to— and yet you won’t be able to look away. Dating Around is a new Netflix original series that documents a single New Yorker going on five dates over the course of each half-hour episode. The series drops, of course, on Thursday, Valentine’s Day, and is perfect for those that love eavesdropping on dates but have no plans or desire to do so in public that night.

In fact, this is the kind of show that coupled, and probably specifically married people will love, so they can get a glimpse into what the dating world is like right now. Single people all have these friends — the kind that love to brag about never being on “the apps” and their enthusiasm for “living vicariously” through your “exciting” dating adventures. What Dating Around will achieve is dimming that light for them just a bit, because this is as accurate, painful, and awkward a representation of dating in New York City that has ever been allowed on a screen.

Single people, you will feel SEEN. Yes, you will also feel the anger and frustration boiling up inside you as you sit through yet another round of mindless small talk (and in this instance, no chance of you being the one getting laid that night), but you’ll also feel the justification of screaming “SEE?!” as others, particularly those smug couples, will get a taste of what it’s like trying to even remotely find a match within the million-card deck that is New York City.

For many, Dating Around will serve a similar purpose as The Bachelor, as viewers will try to sense who the daters have the best chemistry with and then attempt to predict which of the five singles will get a second date. In some instances it’s obvious. Episode 1 introduces us to Luke, a handsome yet ultimately rather unspecial Manhattan man (which is especially typical of the dating scene here) who is set up with a variety of women that have more interesting things to say and the personalities to prove it. Sure, it’s fun to see which one of those ladies pursues a kiss or a dance on the street at the end of the night, but there’s a reason The Bachelor is always taking its singles traveling around the world or on adventurous dates. First dates are boring AF. We’ve all been known to listen in on the couple next to you on their first date as you wait for your friend to arrive at the bar, but you wouldn’t want to sit through more than five minutes of that in real life, let alone on TV. And single people, do not watch this show expecting to pick up any kind of inspiration or tips or even a fun new hate-watch. Fire up those apps or step out of your house and go to a bar in person and you’ll still feel less annoyed than watching this show.

But then there’s episode 2. Gurki is a beautiful woman with a fun job and five seemingly normal men across from her, but instead of predicting who she might make out with at the end of the night, you’d be better off looking for signs in the guy that will end up giving her what is likely the absolute worst date she’s ever been on (at least I hope). Seriously, if you watch any part of this show make it the second half of this episode and know that it will make you rethink swiping right on anyone ever again.

Though a charming aspect of this show is that the singles are set up on “blind dates” with producers likely acting as the matchmakers instead of an app. And as far as dating reality shows go, none look as hip and chic and sleek as this one, which smoothly cuts between the five dates at gorgeous NYC hot spots. Topped with a modern, poppy soundtrack, it’s clear the sophisticated Dating Around is making a play for the millennials that miss watching MTV’s trashier former dating show, Next.

Dating Around also does a great job of highlighting the many, many walks of life present in NYC by not just following young or heterosexual daters. Episode 3 focuses on gay men on dates, featuring the most honest and open conversations yet, and while swapping coming out stories is a nice touch, one man even dares to read out loud the lyrics to a song he’s written, proving you truly never know where a date might go.

Your enjoyment of this series is wholly dependent on how much pleasure you get from listening to people sit through small talk, and how tolerable you are of the worst question ever asked, “So why are you single?” Dating Around, for all its cringe-worthy moments (and omg there are so many), could be much worse. It’s a case study on humans and relationships and first encounters and vulnerability, but it is also a clear reminder of exactly how damn frustrating it is to find someone you’re compatible with.

Where to stream Dating Around