Mo’Nique Says She’s “Ready to Punch” Steve Harvey in the Mouth During Tense Interview

Mo’Nique isn’t afraid to tell it like it is, even when it comes to her “brother” Steve Harvey. On Wednesday, Mo’Nique stopped by Harvey’s talk show, Steve, to discuss her career, being blackballed in the industry, her Netflix boycott, and more. The discussion quickly got heated when Harvey brought up her reputation for “being difficult,” which he seemed to suggest was no one’s fault but her own. During the lengthy exchange, Mo’Nique schooled Harvey on what it’s like to be a black woman in Hollywood, and at one point, she even said she was “getting ready to punch” him for not understanding.

“Let’s go. You started getting labeled as difficult,” Harvey said at the beginning of the interview. “Why do you believe that that happened, and do you see that changing, and why?” Mo’Nique explained that she was “labeled as difficult” because she said “no” to “some very powerful people” after Oprah Winfrey, Tyler Perry, Lee Daniels, and Lionsgate asked her to fly to Cannes on her own dime to promote Precious. “And I’ve got to add my brother Steve on the list,” said Mo’Nique. “Each one of you said to me, ‘Mo’Nique, You’re not wrong.’ And when I heard you go on the air and you said, ‘My sister burned too many bridges, and it’s nothing I can do for her now,’ Steve, do you know how hurt I was?”

Harvey countered, telling the comedian that she “went about it wrong.” Referencing a moment when Mo’Nique told Winfrey, Perry, and Daniels to “suck my dick” onstage, the Steve host said, “I felt you had done yourself a disservice by the way you chose to go about it all.” Mo’Nique said she doesn’t regret the moment, but Harvey pressed on. “When you made that statement, the narrative flipped. It wasn’t about Netflix no more. The tension was all off where we needed to go,” he said. “We can’t cure darkness with more darkness.”

Later in the interview, Harvey said “it’s not cool” that they’re arguing, and Mo’Nique corrected him. “We’re not arguing. You and your sister, we’re having a conversation,” she said. “And I’m getting ready to punch you in your mouth. That’s the conversation. Bam, bam.” She went on to say that while she “disagrees” with Harvey, she still loves him, and she feels the same way about the Precious team. “I disagree with the way Oprah, Lee, and Tyler did it, but I love them,” she said.

Despite their earlier disagreement, Harvey promised that he appreciates Mo’Nique. “You are too valuable. I don’t want to lose your gift to the world because we’re trying to prove the point, when we can prove the point by doing in it a more loving way,” said Harvey.

Watch Mo’Nique and Harvey’s heated discussion in the clips above.