Donald Trump Jr. Calls Out Alec Baldwin After ‘SNL’ Dust-Up: “Spare Everyone Your Bullsh*t”

It only took seven minutes to bait the president and his family into a Twitter feud. This week, Saturday Night Live opened its show with Alec Baldwin, who doubled down on his Donald Trump impression to skewer the president and his border wall. Baldwin’s performance once again caught the attention of the president, who pounded out two tweets about “tired Saturday Night Live on Fake News NBC.” Normally, the fiery comebacks end there, but this week, Baldwin reacted by asking whether Trump’s tweet “constitutes a threat to my safety and that of my family.” As if that weren’t enough, Donald Trump Jr. then decided to get in on the fun, writing, “Spare everyone your bullshit Alec!” Talk about a war of words.

Throughout SNL‘s cold open, Baldwin-as-Trump took questions from members of the press about the border wall. “We need wall. Wall works. Wall makes safe,” he said before explaining why he needs to fake the national emergency. The bit didn’t sit well with President Trump, who tweeted Sunday morning, “Nothing funny about tired Saturday Night Live on Fake News NBC! Question is, how to the Networks get away with these total Republican hit jobs without retribution? Likewise for many other shows? Very unfair and should be looked into. This is the real Collusion?” The president then added, in his usual all-caps style, that “the rigged and corrupt media is the enemy of the people.”

By Sunday night, Baldwin had seen Trump’s tweet and decided to respond. “I wonder if a sitting President exhorting his followers that my role in a TV comedy qualifies me as an enemy of the people constitutes a threat to my safety and that of my family?” he asked via the Hilaria and Alec Baldwin Foundation official account.

Trump didn’t respond, but his son sure did. Trump Jr. shared a report about Baldwin’s tweet from The Daily Caller, writing, “The guy that punches people in the face over a parking spot, has aggressively harassed paparazzi, and humiliated his daughter berating her over the phone eye etc is worried about a tweet that doesn’t even mention him?” After adding an eye-rolling emoji, Trump Jr. said, “Spare everyone your bullshit Alec!” He then followed-up with a report about Baldwin’s “homophobic Twitter rant,” saying, “This clown is such a mess it’s hard to keep track.”

Baldwin has yet to respond to Trump Jr.’s slight, but judging by all the posts about painter John Matin he’s retweeted in the past few days, it seems that he’s moved on. It looks like we’ll have to wait until SNL returns on March 2 for an in-person rebuttal.

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