I’m Not Bummed About ‘SMILF’ Ending. I’m Bummed About Why.

The first season of SMILF is excellent. It deserved its two Golden Globe nominations (for Best Comedy Series and Frankie Shaw for Actress) and the critical acclaim that came with it. Shaw, the creator and star of the Showtime series, as well as the short film it’s based off of, is described as having a “singular voice” and it’s true — that first season felt so fresh and original and unique and creative that it could only come from her. From those wonderful dream sequences to moments that were raunchy and real, and with that stellar supporting cast of women (including Connie Britton and Rosie O’Donnell), SMILF felt like the TV version of the slam dunk Bridgette Bird dreamed of scoring.

There were hints of this in the currently airing Season 2, with that sexy Kevin Bacon moment, the opportunity for Stormy Daniels to do more than just be that adult film actress, and even boasted a Kerry Washington-directed episode. However, with three more episodes to go, SMILF will then come to an end.

Showtime announced at the end of last week that SMILF would not be moving forward for a third season. Part of that feels as though the general buzz on the series has cooled, but an even bigger part is that Shaw is being investigated for inappropriate conduct on-set, including a complaint from actress Samara Weaving who felt uncomfortable while filming a sex scene during production. This is, across the board, a total bummer, and one that we can only hope is resolved quickly and fairly. It’s a bummer for Shaw, yes, who could see her “singular vision” applied to this singular project, and best case, learns an incredibly necessary lesson. And it’s a bummer for not only Weaving and others involved in the on-set events in question, but that this show, one that was responsible for putting so many women both in front of and behind the camera, and one that told the stories of real women, now will have an asterisk placed next to its name. That even the entertainment that felt as thought it was for women and made by women can be problematic, and that’s hard to grapple with. There’s no powerful man to call a “disgusting pig” or shake our heads at; this time it was one of our kind potentially in the wrong, and that just plain sucks.

But it does make the ending of SMILF okay. The second season has felt a bit…lost, whether that’s related or not to the off-screen events. It’s not just because the character of Bridgette feels lost as she tries to figure out her employment and the basics of how she’ll get by from day-to-day. But as a viewer, I’m actually worried about Larry. I’m worried about Tutu, I’m sad Joe died, I feel like Joe Jr. sucks even though he’s doing what’s best for him, and Nelson and Rafi’s engagement is sort of a shrug. Yes, I’m still invested in this world, but I also have one foot out and I’m not feeling nearly as energized by the storytelling this round. Saying goodbye before any more details of the investigation, good or bad, are revealed feels like the right way (and time) to let go of these characters.

Not every show is going to be Shameless and run for multiple seasons. That SMILF got these two important seasons is a win. That it resulted in a misconduct investigation is a loss. What we can do now is say goodbye to these characters, wish the best for the real women involved in this show, and look forward to the projects still to come that this series has surely inspired.

Where to stream SMILF