Meghan McCain and Alyssa Milano Defend Joe Biden: He “Is What Our Country Needs”

Meghan McCain and Alyssa Milano are stepping in to defend Joe Biden amid multiple allegations of impropriety. On Monday, a second woman, Connecticut native Amy Lappos, came forward and claimed that former Vice President Biden made her uncomfortable during a 2009 campaign fundraiser when he “pulled [her] in to rub noses.” Shortly after Lappos’ account was published in The Hartford Courant, McCain and Milano defended the politician on Twitter, with McCain saying that “Biden is one of the truly decent and compassionate men in all of American politics,” and Milano adding, “I am proud to call Joe Biden a friend.”

Milano’s impassioned defense came a few hours before McCain’s. In a six-tweet thread, which began with a photo of she and Biden together, the actress assured her followers that the former vice president is “a champion on fighting violence against women” and would never intend “to make anyone uncomfortable.” Explained Milano, “That’s who Joe Biden is — a warm, generous individual who believes its on all of us to pay attention to women’s stories and experiences.” She went on to mention his It’s On Us campaign, which raises awareness about sexual assault and intervening as a bystander. “His kind, empathetic leadership is what our country needs. Especially now,” said Milano.

Just a few hours later, McCain — who had already come to Biden’s defense Monday morning on The View — also spoke out on Twitter. “Joe Biden is one of the truly decent and compassionate men in all of American politics,” she wrote. “He has helped me through my fathers diagnosis, treatment and ultimate passing more than anyone of my fathers friends combined. I wish there was more empathy from our politicians not less.”

Lappos’ statement to The Hartford Courant came just a few days after another woman, Lucy Flores, accused Biden of inappropriate behavior. In a piece published Friday in The Cut, Flores claimed that Biden touched her shoulders, sniffed her hair, and kissed her head without consent during a 2014 event, an incident that she said made her “feel uneasy, gross, and confused.”

Biden told NBC News that he does not “believe [he] acted inappropriately” and “it was never [his] intention” to make anyone feel uncomfortable with his “expressions of affection.” He continued, “We have arrived at an important time when women feel they can and should relate their experiences, and men should pay attention. And I will.”