Shep Rose Has a New Podcast and He’s Already Spilling ‘Southern Charm’ Secrets

Southern Charm star Shep Rose has a podcast now, and if he’s anywhere near as outspoken with his voice as he is on his Twitter feed (hint: he is), we are in for quite a ride. This became evident on the very first episode of Enough About Me when Shep was joined by his guest and co-star, Cameran Eubanks. While he promises that future episodes will tackle topics including politics and pop culture, this one focused on the thing they have in common and, let’s face it, the thing we love hearing them talk about the most — the Bravo series we’re all addicted to (though we’ll happily tune in to the upcoming episode about the education system when it happens!).

As someone who’s seen every episode of this show, and gotten my own behind-the-scenes scoops as well, I certainly loved hearing these two drop plenty of gems. Here are seven Southern Charm fun facts revealed throughout the 47-minute episode, which is more than worth listening to yourself.

1. Shep thought he had a chance with Cameran. 

The two pals take quite the stroll down Memory Lane, and he even reveals his initial attraction to Cam. “I remember we met… and I thought you were being flirtatious,” Shep confessed, explaining that she was already dating her future husband, Jason at the time.

“You’re touchy and I had just met you,” he continued.

“Well, yeah, but I do that to everybody,” Cam said.

“I didn’t know that at the time. She’ll touch your shoulder, grab your arm, laugh at all your jokes,” Shep explained. “I’m like, this girl is lovely and maybe I got a shot here!”

“Oh god, little did you know,” Cam told him.

Perhaps it’s because the two are such great friends now that he felt comfortable enough telling her, “I wanted you to do [the show] simply because I thought I had a shot.”

2. Shep didn’t hook up with Eliza. He hooked up with one of her friends. 

While Shep took Southern Charm newbie Eliza Limehouse to Patricia’s dinner party as his date, the two weren’t actually ON a date. He explained the scenario by saying, “She called me and said that her date had to back out and would I go with her. And I didn’t really have… I was juggling who I should invite.”

“And you never tried anything with her?” Cameran questioned.

“No, no never,” Shep insisted. “I hooked up with one of her friends.” And even though Cameran pressed to get a name, Shep respectfully told her, “She’s not on TV, it’s not fair. But she’s great.”

“By the way,” he continued, “Eliza, if you’re listening, I do apologize for the way things went out. But she definitely is mad at me because I got an angry text.”

“I do feel bad, but here’s the thing about Eliza. She might have looked bad this episode but deep down, Eliza’s not a bad person, she’s nice and sweet,” Shep said.

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Well folks, no one asked for it. And so I gave it to you! I started a podcast with my new friends at @podcastone they asked for a description and i came up with this: “This is a podcast that defies description. Mainly because it's too difficult for me to put into words. I'll be talking to athletes, teachers, soldiers, stunt men, myself, and circus clowns (ok, maybe not clowns) about their lives and mine. Of course, I'll also happily discuss this little show called SOUTHERN CHARM and have lots of fun with the fans. I want to dig into life and the world and basically get weird.” We’re also going to have an email address so you can send questions and a Voicemail which we encourage you to call while hammered. 🤙🏻🎤💣 painting by @baileydesiree 😁 and big thanks to @camwimberly1 for being my first guest 👌🏻🙏

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3. Kathryn REALLY wanted to be on the show. 

In speaking about the origins of Southern Charm, Shep revealed, “You know, Kathryn wasn’t cast on the show, she was considered, but she was young,” explaining that pal and producer Whitney Sudler-Smith was looking for people that were a little bit older at the time, and Kathryn was barely 21-years-old.

 “She, I know for a fact, really, really wanted to be on the show,” Shep said. “She came and hung out with me and my friends and there was this scene we did on the boat from the marina, we left some people, it was a big snafu. And Kathryn didn’t get invited to that scene by the powers that be, and she was with my friends and she was NOT happy with that.”

He also goes on to say that now, Kathryn is “indispensable,” to the show.

4. Landon didn’t live in that boat. 

As their conversation turned to villains on the show, it was inevitable that Landon Clements’s name would come up. “I really like Landon, I’ve known Landon a long time,” Shep says, also revealing, “It was my idea to approach her,” for the show.

“Did you and Landon ever have hanky panky?” Cameran asked.

“Yes, but we just made out,” Shep tells her, explaining that Landon put a stop to it going any further.

When the topic of her sleeping on a boat arises, Cameran states, “No, that was not real.”

Shep breaks it down that, “She didn’t have a place to live, she was staying at her sister’s house and her sister had kids. Her sister was like, you are not filming here, which I totally respect and understand.” So as a replacement home, “She produced some sort of sailboat. It was harmless, it was funny though.”

5. Craig cracked his skull

“I know he’s been on the receiving end of a couple of knock-out punches,” Shep reveals of their pal Craig Conover.

“That’s a little fun tidbit,” Cameran says. Apparently it occurred during Season 2 “when he has his total meltdown” (according to Shep) and Cameran begins to explain a time we didn’t get to see on the show, when “he got his ass beat.”

Apparently, he was dressed up for Halloween, and Cameran says, “I still have the picture of Craig in a hospital bed,” as she went to go pick him up from the hospital. Shep says he had “A bandage around his head, which is not funny because he cracked his skull.” It’s revealed that he hit his head against the pavement, and even though they filmed Cameran going to pick him up from the hospital, “The hospital predictably would not let us in, which I understand,” said Shep. Ultimately, the two are unsure of how the whole thing went down, but wow, what a tidbit indeed.

6. Shep and Craig almost got in a fight. 

“This is real life when the show is done filming,” Cameran explains. “So Craig and Shep are in the Bahamas together and literally every other day Craig would call me like, ‘Ugh, Shep, I can’t fucking stand him, he’s being such an asshole, I wish he would leave.’ And then the next day, Shep would call me like, ‘Craig is insufferable.'”

“We had a really tough couple first days in the Bahamas and then we came to an understanding,” Shep says of a recent trip to Craig’s happy place earlier this year. “We got in almost a fight, I threw a plate of food at his face.”

Yikes! Shep explains that “He tried to embarrass me in front of my guests down there and I’m like, I’m not having this.” While it sounds like their typical brotherly dynamic reached new heights during this trip, Shep says they hashed it out the next day and it’s all good now.

7. Shep sends Whitney (and Cameran) pictures of his hookups. 

Cameran, doing the Lord’s work, brings up hookups, and while Shep confesses that, “At one point in my life, my 20’s and early 30’s hooking up was a thing,” but that now he says, “I don’t even brag about that.”

“Yeah, you send me pictures all the time,” Cameran replies.

“I send Whitney pictures, you’re just on the text chain,” Shep tells her. Anyone else wanted to get added to this text chain too?

Enough About Me with Shep Rose is available now, and Southern Charm airs Wednesdays at 8pm ET/PT on Bravo. 

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