Whoopi Goldberg Lashes Out at Anti-Choice Pundits: “I Don’t Want You in My Coochie!”

Whoopi Goldberg has some choice words for former United Nations ambassador Nikki Haley. Tuesday morning on The View, Goldberg delivered a passionate monologue about Haley, who recently slammed the pro-choice movement, calling it “not real feminism.” The longtime moderator skewered Haley and other anti-abortion pundits for “taking choice from people,” an act she labeled as “anti-human.” Added Goldberg, “I don’t want you in my coochie!”

Goldberg wasted no time before denouncing Haley’s remarks, which were part of a speech she gave Monday night at the Susan B. Anthony List’s Lief Gala. “Let me get this straight. Giving a woman a choice about what to do with her body is anti-feminist?” began Goldberg. She explained that while Haley has “the right never to have an abortion,” her opinions shouldn’t influence the choices of other women. “What about the 9-year-old girl who gets raped by a family member, or some thug in the street?” asked Goldberg. “Why are you taking her mother’s discussion with her family — why are you taking it out of their hands?”

“To me, you taking choice from people is anti-human,” said The View‘s moderator. Her words were met with a round of applause from the audience, and she was encouraged to continue. “I’m pro-life,” said Goldberg. “I want everybody who wants to do this to have life. But you can’t just knock it off here. You have to take that life and watch that life grow and help people do what they need to do.” She then brought up Planned Parenthood, which she explained is “much more than an abortion clinic” (they also provide necessary reproductive care and screenings). “If a woman wants to do this, she’s going to do it,” added Goldberg. “Taking choice only means you’re making it more dangerous.”

Goldberg concluded with a statement that likely made the control room blush. “I don’t say that everybody has to believe, but I say, you want to have choice — I don’t want you in my coochie!” she said. The control room tried to bleep her, but they were too late. “You don’t want me in yours, either.”

Watch Goldberg’s passionate speech in the clip above.

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