Stephen Colbert Slams Trump for Being Putin’s “Dummy” with “His Hand Up Your Butt”

On Tuesday night, Stephen Colbert stepped in to defend Joe Biden from President Trump‘s latest attack. The Late Show host ripped Trump for calling Biden “a dummy” and “the weakest mentally” of all the Democratic candidates, and he asked the president whether he really wants to “open that can of worms.” To illustrate his point, Colbert brought up a totally unrelated player, at least as far as the Iowa Caucuses are concerned (we hope): Russian President Vladimir Putin. “Biden’s the dummy?” asked Colbert. “May I point out: only one of you is sitting on Putin’s lap with his hand up your butt.”

During his opening monologue, Colbert referenced an Axios report claiming that Biden mentioned Trump 76 times during a speech in Iowa. “The only person talking more about Donald Trump than Joe Biden is Donald Trump,” said The Late Show host. “…And me.” Trump was quick to fire back at the Democratic frontrunner. “I’d rather run against, I think, Biden than anybody,” the president told reporters outside the White House on Tuesday. “I think he’s the weakest mentally.”

“Do you really want to open that can of worms?” asked Colbert after playing a clip of Trump’s remarks. “I’m telling you — Joe Biden can’t be president of the United States,” he continued in his Trump voice. “He’s almost as unqualified as Tim Apple. Just ask my wife, Melanie.” Colbert then played another clip of Trump in which he attacks Biden for thinking that “China was not a competitor of ours” in the global economy. “Joe Biden is a dummy,” said Trump.

“Biden’s the dummy?” asked Colbert. “May I point out: only one of you is sitting on Putin’s lap with his hand up your butt.” The punchline earned him loud cheers from the audience, who almost drowned out his next joke. “A puppet, a puppet,” he continued, miming a ventriloquist act.

Watch Colbert discuss the Trump-Biden feud in the clip above.

Where to stream The Late Show with Stephen Colbert