Meghan McCain Blows up at Joy Behar on ‘The View’: “Don’t Feel Bad for Me, Bitch!”

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After weeks of tension, it finally happened: Meghan McCain and Joy Behar‘s feud exploded into a fiery screaming match. During The View‘s first segment on Wednesday morning, a discussion about Trump’s campaign rally quickly got heated when Meghan McCain erupted at Joy Behar for dismissing her point of view. As McCain attempted to explain the “enthusiasm” for President Trump, Behar continued to interrupt her, and finally, McCain broke. “I don’t think yelling at me is going to fix the problem!” said McCain. When Goldberg attempted to cool tensions, McCain snapped again, saying, “Don’t feel bad for me, bitch!”

During the segment, McCain attempted to explain the large crowd size at Trump’s Orlando rally, saying, “There were people lining up 40 hours before the event.” Behar interrupted, saying that people were “bussed in” to increase the crowd size, but McCain wouldn’t have it. “It’s not fake news,” said McCain. “Don’t belittle the enthusiasm.” The conservative co-host went on to say that often, “it’s not that [Republicans] love him, it’s that they hate the same things they hate.”

“Who? Black people, you mean, and immigrants?” asked Behar. McCain immediately went off. “I come here every day openminded, just trying to explain it. And it’s not a fun job for me,” said McCain. “I know you’re angry. I get that you’re angry that Trump’s president, like a lot of people are. But I don’t think yelling at me is going to fix the problem, okay?”

“Am I yelling?” asked Behar. “Yes!” said McCain, now fully yelling across the table. “I’m trying to explain why 2020 is not in the bag for you! It’s not!”

Finally, Goldberg stepped in to calm things down. “Okay guys, okay!” she said. It didn’t work. “Being the sacrificial Republican every day — I’m just trying to –” Behar sarcastically bemoaned McCain’s plight, and she erupted once again. “Don’t feel bad for me, bitch! I get paid to do this!”

Goldberg threw the show to commercial as the women continued to yell at each other, but after the break, it seemed that the mood had shifted for the better. “I love the word bitch,” said McCain, clarifying her earlier statement. “Joy and I call each other bitch all the time.” She added that she wouldn’t have said it if she knew Behar didn’t like it, adding, “I just want everyone to stop being so precious about our relationship. It’s almost 2020, and women can debate on TV in a spirited way without it being personal.”

“I know this is a big shock: we get along backstage!” said McCain. “We’re both pugilistic, and so we’re fine. I’m very straight in what I believe, and so is she, so we’re going to fight,” added Behar. “I don’t care if you call me a bitch.”

Watch Meghan McCain and Joy Behar throw down in the clip above.

Where to stream The View