Stephen Colbert Mocks Trump’s “Racist Bone in My Body” Tweet: “Racism is Your Brand!”

Thanks to the never-ending feud between President Trump and the Democratic congresswomen known as “The Squad,” Stephen Colbert has plenty of ammo for his Late Show monologues. On Tuesday night, Colbert continued to slam Trump for his “racist tweets,” as well as a recent post in which the president said that he doesn’t “have a Racist bone in [his] body.” The Late Show host immediately took aim the statement, and he insisted that Trump has said so many “racist things” over the years that it’s become a core part of his identity. Ripped Colbert, “Racism is your brand!”

Colbert wasted no time before addressing Trump’s latest Twitter rant. The late night host brought up Trump’s Tuesday morning posts — in which the president defended his earlier remarks, writing, “Those tweets were NOT Racist. I don’t have a Racist bone in my body!” — during his opening monologue, saying, “Of course, Trump is not happy about any of this.” Continued Colbert, “I’m going to stop you right there. We’ve seen your body. I’m not sure there are any bones. Just mascarpone cheese pumped into a cheap suit.”

“Second, you have said a lot of racist things,” he added. “You demanded the execution of the Central Park Five, who were innocent. You said Barack Obama was from Kenya. You wanted to ban all Muslims. You said Mexicans were murderers. Racism is your brand!” Colbert then compared Trump to KFC’s spokesperson, joking, “It’s like Colonel Sanders saying, ‘I don’t have a finger-lickin’ bone in my body.'”

Colbert went on to give Trump a “pro tip” about his attacks on Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley, and Ilhan Omar, who the president chided for using “filthy language” like the “F…word.” Said Colbert, “When you’re going to demonize a group that already has a nickname like ‘The Squad,’ maybe don’t make them sound like the bad girls in a high school.” He then played a montage of Trump cursing during various speeches. Asked Colbert, “Did they offend your virgin ears?”

Watch Colbert tear into Trump in the clip above.

Where to stream The Late Show with Stephen Colbert