Whoopi Goldberg Schools Democrat Adam Schiff After Mueller Hearings: “This Is On Your Backs”

Whoopi Goldberg is at her breaking point when it comes to complacent politicians. On Thursday morning, The View turned to Rep. Adam Schiff, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, for help tackling the Mueller hearings, but things quickly got heated between the congressman and the show’s longtime moderator. After Schiff said that he has “yet to be fully persuaded” that impeaching President Trump is the right decision, Goldberg called him and his fellow congressman out, saying, “It’s up to you all … This is gonna be on your backs.”

Speaking from the Capitol, Schiff told The View‘s panel that his main “objective” with the Mueller hearings was to “get these facts out before the American people,” a goal that he believes Democrats accomplished yesterday. He added that the Intelligence Committee will continue to “follow the money” in this case, although he believes there is already “evidence in plain sight” on the question of collusion (he cited the Trump tower meeting as one such piece of evidence).

However, Schiff was more wishy-washy when it came to the question of impeachment. “We’re having a vigorous debate about whether we need to go beyond investigation into impeachment,” he said. Guest co-host Ana Navarro doubled down, asking how Schiff could lay out evidence of a criminal conspiracy and then “justify to the American people not following up with an impeachment inquiry.” The California congressman again waffled, saying, “I’m keeping an open mind, but I have yet to be fully persuaded. Before we take the country through what will be a year-long and certainly very centrally-focused by the effort by the Congress, I want to be sure that it’s the right thing to do for the country.”

Before she closed out the segment, Goldberg took aim at Schiff’s weak stance. “Here’s the thing, Congressman. It’s up to you all,” said Goldberg. “This is in all of your hands, both the Republicans and the Democrats. You are sitting with the power to make this change.” She added that if he and his fellow congressmen “allow people to continue to break the law” and “continue to flout” their responsibilities and obligations as Americans (and American leaders, at that), there’s going to be a problem. “This is going to be on your backs,” ripped Goldberg, as Meghan McCain agreed in the background. “We can’t do anything until y’all do something. So, y’all need to do this.”

Watch The View‘s discussion with Rep. Adam Schiff in the clips above.

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