Here’s How I Tried To Flip ‘The Cutting Edge’ From Rotten to Fresh on Rotten Tomatoes

Famed constellation enthusiast Vincent van Gogh once said, “Many people seem to think it foolish, even superstitious, to believe that the world could still change for the better.” Today, over 100 years later, those profound words still sing with the same vocal valor of an Aretha Franklin or a Paula Cole. History favors the bold. Lewis and Clark didn’t use a map; they wrote the map. Actual celebrity Joey Chestnut wasn’t content to eat just one or two lousy hot dogs in ten minutes, oh no. He decided to consume a record 74 hot dogs in ten minutes to prove… something valiant, probably.

Today, I share with you my quest to right an egregious pop culture wrong. Two months ago, I noticed that the beloved 1992 film The Cutting Edge possessed a meager 48% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, thus earning the movie the dubious moniker of “rotten.” Not in my America, Rotten Tomatoes. Not now. Not ever.

Starring Moira Kelly, D.B. Sweeney, and enough opposites attract sexual electricity to power Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, over a three-day holiday weekend, The Cutting Edge is far more than just a simple film about a temperamental figure skater and roguish ex-hockey player who reluctantly join forces to try and capture Olympic gold. At its core, the movie is an endlessly rewatchable cinematic gift that not only understands but embraces the fact that rom-coms are supposed to be fun.

Where have all the cowboys gone? I’m right here, Paula, and I’m ready for a fight. Join me as I attempt to flip The Cutting Edge’s Rotten Tomatoes rating from “rotten” to “fresh.”

STEP 1: Politely ask the writers of the negative reviews to reconsider their 27-year-old opinions on The Cutting Edge

Kate insulting Doug
Photo: Prime Video

48%? To put that abysmal score in perspective, if you only knew 48% of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles — four anthropomorphic turtles named after Italian Renaissance artists who love pizza, karate, and justice — you’d be forgetting about Donatello, Leonardo, and like 2% of Raphael (he’s the one who’s “cool, but rude;” Michelangelo’s the party dude). That’s the textbook definition of an abomination.

I’m not trying to game the system or coerce people into writing something they don’t believe in. Human beings are constantly evolving, opinions change. Not only has the art of cultural criticism shifted over the past 25 years, but The Cutting Edge has aged extremely well. Many of the “negative” Rotten Tomatoes reviews of the movie are actually quite positive, so I decided to contact a few of these writers and ask them a simple, very normal question: Would you consider changing your almost 30-year-old review of The Cutting Edge?

Strangely enough, these writers were not super jazzed upon receiving my unsolicited critique. One outlet tersely responded that I needed to “take [my] complaint and contest the rating to Rotten Tomatoes.” Naturally, I responded with a follow-up question:

Email about The Cutting Edge
Photo: Gmail

Asked and answered. Sadly, that was the nicest response I received, which on one hand, fair, but on the other hand, “Oh, I’m sorry, DOCTOR. Am I keeping you from surgery?!”

While not super helpful, that delightful chatterbox gave me an idea.

STEP 2: Contact Rotten Tomatoes Directly 

Rotten Tomatoes Contact
Photo: Rotten Tomatoes

Around this time I wrote about The Cutting Edge, which both increased the film’s Rotten Tomatoes score (50%!) and confirmed that legions of fans share my unwavering affection for the film. Call me Katrina and give me a wave, because I was walking on sunshine, baby.

The next day I not only noticed that Rotten Tomatoes flipped one of the reviews I flagged from “rotten” to “fresh,” but The Cutting Edge’s rating had increased to 56%, which is just four percentage points shy of the 60% needed for a film to be categorized as “fresh.”

I can only assume that this is what falling in love feels like.

The Cutting Edge RT
Photo: Rotten Tomatoes

Rotten Tomatoes had listened to me… perhaps too well. For reasons unknown, they also added ten previously unposted reviews, resulting in the film settling at 55%. If I couldn’t flip any more of the remaining negative reviews, maybe I could convince a few writers to pen a whole new article about the film.

STEP 3: Convince Author Stephen King To Write A Review Of The Cutting Edge

I tend to approach any new endeavor with the fanciful courage of “Call Me Maybe” era Carly Rae Jepsen. “You gotta shoot your shot,” former NBA big man Tom Gugliotta more than likely said at least once during his thirteen year career with teams like the Minnesota Timberwolves, Phoenix Suns, and Boston Celtics.

With Carly Rae Jepsen and Tom Gugliotta in mind, I emailed Stephen King for assistance.

“Hello! I was hoping Stephen might be able to help me out with a crusade. The hit 1992 film ‘The Cutting Edge’ is currently listed as ‘rotten’ on Rotten Tomatoes, which is absurd. I’m looking to get a bunch of writers, like Stephen King, who enjoy the movie to write a positive review, thus changing the rating from ‘rotten’ to ‘fresh.’ When I first hatched this plan I thought, ‘I need to get the world’s greatest living author to help,’ but J.K. Rowling wouldn’t return my emails. Kidding! You’re the king, Stephen. The Stephen King. All I’m asking is that if you enjoy the movie ‘The Cutting Edge,’ write a review, post it on your website, and then send it to Rotten Tomatoes. Who knows? Maybe it’ll even inspire your next novel!? Thank you.”

This was ultimately unsuccessful. Stephen’s known as “The King of Horror” and not “The Crown Prince of Social Media Etiquette” for a reason, I guess.

STEP 4: Convince Writers Who Are Less Successful Than Stephen King To Write About The Cutting Edge

This was yet another swing and a miss. You’re familiar with the story of “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” right? If you’re not, it’s about a boy who cried wolf. Anyway, about a year ago I texted the word “Bosch” to 100 people and wrote about the results. First, yes, I’m acutely aware that I’m running dangerously low on ideas. Second, that stunt resulted in everyone in my life being weary that every text from me is a part of some silly pop culture crusade.

In their defense, they’re not wrong.

Cutting Edge Texts
Photo: iPhone
Cutting Edge texts
Photo: iphone

The last text (the one in green) was sent to my dad, who didn’t respond because he was… too busy being retired and having literally nothing but free time on his hands? I suppose this makes sense. He does love a good Stephen King flick.

Apropos of nothing, here’s a link to Harry Chapin’s 1974 folk classic “Cat’s in the Cradle.”

STEP 5: Uncover Previously Written Reviews Of The Cutting Edge That Are Currently Not On Rotten Tomatoes

Setting aside the fact that Robert Ebert’s 2.5/4 review of the film — in which he refers to TCE as a “skillfully made and well-acted” film that gets “the job done” — is erroneously mislabeled as “rotten,” Peter Travers’ Rolling Stone review seems to have fallen off the face of the earth.

Rolling Stone/Cutting Edge

Despite the fact that I tried, and I tried, and I tried, and I trieeeeed, I couldn’t get no satisfaction from Rolling Stone. I had no choice but to move on. Or…

STEP 6: Befriend Legendary Rolling Stone Critic Peter Travers, Locate His Missing Review, And Convince Rotten Tomatoes To Add It

Peter Travers has spent 30+ years in the journalism game. I recently spent a month (unsuccessfully) trying to convince The Rock to watch USA’s hit legal drama Suits. I’d say we’re equals — contemporaries, even — so I sent him a friend request on Facebook.

It’s still pending.

Undaunted, I sent the renowned critic a few Facebook/Twitter messages, you know, one professional to another, to find out what happened to his missing review of The Cutting Edge.

Peter Travers FB
Photo: Facebook

Another. Dead. End. I did, however, unearth a positive review that wasn’t on Rotten Tomatoes, but the author wasn’t an “accredited Rotten Tomatoes critic.” Reaching out to a total stranger and trying to convince him to become a Rotten Tomatoes-approved critic was too absurd of an idea, even for me.

I was slowly coming to the realization that maybe, just maybe, I was the only person who gave a damn about the historical legacy of the effervescent treasure chest of whimsy known as The Cutting Edge.

STEP 7: Who Am I Kidding? I Reached Out To The Stranger And Tried To Get Him To Apply To Become A Rotten Tomatoes-Approved Critic

The positive review in question is from, which I learned is an accredited Rotten Tomatoes publication, but only when a certain writer pens a review. Cool.

I located the writer of the article on that no-holds-barred tornado of vocational insanity known as LinkedIn and tried to send him a message. One problem: I was unable to contact him without something called a “LinkedIn Premium account.” Awesome.

Despite having received somewhere between two and three billion unsolicited emails from LinkedIn during my time on Earth, I’m relatively unfamiliar with the company. I used to think it was only beneficial for people in sales or a tool used by the least popular kid you attended summer camp with 20 years ago to contact you about his exciting new career as a Cutco knives salesman, but what do I know?

I thought about paying for a month of LinkedIn Premium, but it’s illegal to burn money in the United States of America. Instead, I reached out for a free account.

Photo: LinkedIn

Unable to score a free account and/or convince Chadli to review The Cutting Edge, I reluctantly signed up for a free trial.

LinkedIn Premium
Photo: LinkedIn

I never heard back from the writer, presumably because he wasn’t one of the “three profile views” I had this week. Why bother sending that email, LinkedIn? The subject may as well be “You’re borderline unemployable and you’ll never own a luxury watercraft, JOSH.”

I felt alone, listless, like I was communicating via message in a bottle. Based solely on a Google Images search of the show, it’s how I imagine the character of Ray Donovan feels on the long-running Showtime series Ray Donovan.

The many faces of Raymond Donovan.
Photo: Google

The Cutting Edge was still literally and figuratively rotting away at 55%. Left with no viable alternative, I did what I assume the program Ray Donovan does from Act 3 to Act 4: I heightened the action.

STEP 8: Create A Buzz About The Cutting Edge By Convincing The Mayor of Hamilton, Ontario To Organize “The Cutting Edge Day”

I was recently watching CNN’s The Movies and Robert De Niro (Taxi Driver, The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle) said something to the effect of, “Losing the first 15 pounds is easy. It’s the next five that are difficult.” I believe Bobby — I can call him Bobby; I live in NYC — was referring to one of his iconic films, Raging Bull or perhaps Analyze That, with the pertinent message being that the conclusion can be the most difficult part of a journey. I could handle failing, but I wasn’t going down without a fight. I couldn’t let the star of Dirty Grandpa down.

It was becoming clear that I needed to reintroduce The Cutting Edge to the zeitgeist, thus rekindling the dormant relationship between the film and reviewers. First, I contacted D.B. Sweeney’s PR team about promoting the movie’s upcoming 27 1/2 anniversary. They didn’t respond.

Running out of options, I remembered that an array of scenes from The Cutting Edge were filmed in Hamilton, Ontario, which gave me an idea:

Cutting Edge Day
Photo: Gmail

Even though the office of the honorable Fred Eisenberger politely declined to make September 25th, 2019 “Cutting Edge Day” in Hamilton, they provided me with contact information to the Hamilton Tourism Department and wished me well in my venture.

Canada believed in me. They didn’t technically say that, but they also didn’t flat-out ignore me, which at this point was like a warm, cozy hug on a cold, soggy day. Thankfully, I had an ace up my sleeve.

STEP 9: Pay D.B. Sweeney To Promote My Cutting Edge Crusade Via Cameo

As I sat in my apartment last Saturday night waiting for the D.B. Sweeney Cameo I spent $75 actual American dollars on to arrive, I thought about every decision that led me to that exact moment. I can’t say with 100% certainty I know what “emotional rock bottom” feels like, but let’s just say I’ve skimmed the CliffsNotes.

If you’ve never purchased a Cameo, well, first off, congratulations, you’re sane! Secondly, the only other info you need to know is that you’re only allotted 250 characters to explain your video. Here’s what I sent to Sweeney:

“Im a writer working on a piece in which I try to change The Cutting Edge’s Rotten Tomatoes status from rotten to fresh. I’d love a vid of you asking writers to review the film to help the RT rating. Also can you call me ‘The Cutting Edge of Writers’?”

“Go get ’em, bud.” Money. Well. Spent.

Now, I’m sure D.B. was quite busy at the, if I’m reading the visual context clues correctly, outdoor rock climbing jubilee he was attending, but I can’t help but notice that he didn’t refer to me as “The Cutting Edge of Writers.” Maybe such an honor can’t be given but instead must be earned? Perhaps he couldn’t mentally or physically care less that The Cutting Edge has a 55% on Rotten Tomatoes? It’s impossible to tell, really.

Too bad Moira Kelly’s not on Cameo.

As of this moment, The Cutting Edge is still rotten, holding strong at 55%. But today, August 1st, marks the dawn of a new era: The Cutting Edge is now available to stream on Hulu. Together, we have the power to right this obvious pop culture wrong. If you enjoy the movie, pen a review, especially if you’re a Rotten Tomatoes-approved writer. If you don’t like the film, well, I have two words for you:

Toe pick!
Photo: Prime Video

For more information on the career of former NBA power forward Tom Gugliotta, please consult or your local library.

RELATED: Convincing Funko To Make A ‘Bosch’ Pop Was Way More Difficult Than I Imagined

Where to stream The Cutting Edge