Watch Austen and Madison Make Their Relationship Official (Again) On ‘Southern Charm’ [Exclusive]

At this point, even Ross and Rachel would take one look at Austen and Madison on Southern Charm and tell them to figure out if they want to be together or not already. And in this week’s episode, they certainly take a step in a definitive direction.

In this exclusive clip, we see Austen Kroll and Madison LeCroy out at a very romantic dinner, where he has no trouble pouring his heart out to her. He’s made up his mind, despite her sharing quite the nugget of gossip during the group’s trip to Colorado, and he’s moving forward with Madison.

“In the beginning with us, like, I have never been so damn happy before,” Austen tells a smiling Madison, who is also mom to a 6-year-old son. “I was like, holy shit I like, love this girl. I love her and it spooked the hell out of me.”

“In the beginning of our relationship, she had come to me and was like, ‘Okay, I’m ready to like, put down my walls and be with you fully,'” Austen explains in his interview. “And I think that when that happened it like snapped in my head and I was like, oh my god, are you gonna fucking marry this girl and jump into daddy role? That’s a big undertaking and I just sabotaged the whole thing.”

Of course, this season of Southern Charm never misses an opportunity to replay Austen’s infamous YouTube video, and so we get another glimpse of that before rejoining the couple at their dinner table.

“It clearly was one of the worst decisions I’ve ever made in my life,” he says in regards to the viral video. “Ever since that moment, I’ve been trying to fight back and claw back for us and you are what I want and I want to make this work,” Austen tells Madison sincerely.

“You and I have been through so much together. I love you,” he tells her.

“I love you!” she responds.

“Do you?” he asks, laying down the only real speed bump to this lovely declaration.

The two share a kiss and Austen jokes, “Can everyone quiet down please so I can tell this girl how I truly want to make it work?”

“Well, let’s do it. 100%,” Madison tells him. “I’m not half-assing this relationship any longer.”

“Let’s get another bottle of wine,” Austen suggests, which sounds like a great idea for their table, and also for anyone watching along at home.

Southern Charm airs Wednesday at 9pm ET/PT on Bravo.

Where to stream Southern Charm