Bill Maher Hopes For Recession So Donald Trump Loses 2020 Election On HBO’s ‘Real Time’

Last night on HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher, the late night host “really” hoped for another economic recession, arguing that the unfortunate occurrence would in turn ruin President Trump‘s chances of winning reelection in 2020.

During a discussion with this week’s panelists which included former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D) and Anthony Scaramucci, Maher said that the U.S. could “survive” another recession, which he argued would be better than a second term of a Donald Trump’s presidency.

Guest Tom Nichols made a few comments about Trump’s trade policies, with mention of the current trade war with China, saying “I’m not wishing for a recession, but if the farmers want to keep touching the hot stove…”

“Well, you should be,” Maher insisted. “Because that will definitely get him unelected.”

“But Bill, you don’t really want a recession,” interjected Scaramucci, Trump’s former White House communications director who became an internet sensation and now occasionally criticizes the administration he was once employed by.

“I really do. We have survived many recessions. We can’t survive another Donald Trump term,” Maher answered back.

Maher also worked Sean Hannity into the discussion since the last time Maher hoped for a recession as a way to get rid of the president during a June episode of the show, the Fox News fired back at him, claiming that he had no power to actually cause one.

“Sean, if you’re watching, I’m not a genie. I can’t make it happen,” Maher said. “I’m just wishing it. If it happens, it will be because of your lord and savior, Donald J. Trump.”

“Sorry if that hurts people but it’s either root for a recession or you lose your democracy,” the HBO host said last year.

You can check out the clip above and catch new episodes of Real Time with Bill Maher on Fridays at 10PM EST on HBO Now.

Michael is a music and television junkie keen on most things that are not a complete and total bore. You can follow him on Twitter@Tweetskoor