Bill Maher Talks Jeffrey Epstein Suicide & Defends ‘Recession’ Comments As Way To Defeat Trump

This week, accused 66-year-old sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein died in a jail cell as the result of an alleged suicide, and just hours after New York City Medical Examiner confirmed the steaming pile of human garbage’s cause of death, Bill Maher poked fun at the incident and blasted believers of conspiracy theories tied to the event on Friday’s episode of Real Time with Bill Maher.

Before tackling the Epstein scandal, the HBO host first took aim at John Hickenlooper for dropping out of the 2020 presidential race, saying “He just wants to go back to what he does best, looping Hickens.”

Then, tackling his favorite nemesis, Donald Trump, Maher noted that the president’s interest in purchasing Greenland isn’t too surprising, since he’d likely rename the country “New Ivanka.”

Speaking to the stock market crash earlier this week, with the Dow tumbling nearly 800 points, Maher asked his audience “Did you see what happened in the stock market this week? I spent more time gasping for breath than Jeffrey Epstein.”

Later on in his show he defended his remarks last week where he called for a recession as a way to end Donald Trump’s presidency by stating, “Yes, a recession would be very worth getting rid of Donald Trump and these kinds of policies.”

Now, back to Epstein. The accused trafficker died after supposedly hanging himself in a New York City federal jail cell. Maher remarked on the strange nature of the individual who apparently wanted to spread his DNA by impregnating women at his New Mexico ranch. “This Epstein was a weirdo: gathering scientists in New Mexico, plan to repopulate the earth with his spawn…”

Maher also took aim at Trump for retweeting a conspiracy theory that Bill and Hillary Clinton were behind the death. “This is the stupidest theory,” he said.

The host later asked his panel, which included rapper and activist Killer Mike and Rhode Island senator Sheldon Whitehouse, if they thought Epstein’s death was a suicide or “something more nefarious.”
Most on the show’s guests leaned toward agreeing with the medical examiner, however, Killer Mike chuckled and didn’t quite give a definitive answer.

You can check out the clip from the late night host’s monologue above and catch new episodes of Real Time with Bill Maher on Fridays at 10PM EST on HBO Now.

Michael is a music and television junkie keen on most things that are not a complete and total bore. You can follow him on Twitter@Tweetskoor